Chapter 8

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Kayla POV
After capture the flag ending with Percy's team winning and the entire team was absolutely thrilled. She scanned the team as they bounced around in celebration. Looking at all the individual faces she realised she couldn't spot you. So she looked around again but there was no sign of you at all and it was starting to make her feel nervous.

She went back to her team and found Will chatting to Nico, she slowly approached and jabbed him in the stomach making him jump.

"Kayla how many times do I have to tell you not to do that," he said while Nico was crying with laughter already imitating Will's scared face.

"It never gets old anyway I really need to speak to you. Privately one sec, don't worry Nico you will get him back," Nico just playfully narrowed his eyes as she walked away with her brother.

"What is is Kay?" He said softly looking at her for injuries as he always did.

"It's not me Will," her voice wobbled with concern, "Wren hadn't come out of the forest."

Will cursed, "I knew she should have sat out of this game." He put his hand reassuringly on her shoulder, "don't worry Kay we will speak to Chiron and we will go out there and find her."

She nodded and smiled faintly following him over to Chiron who was congratulating Annabeth on her forever successful strategy.

"Ahem Chiron can we speak yo you for a second?" She said, Chiron looked away from Annabeth and down at her he nodded.

"What seems to be the issue Kayla," he saw Will and was suddenly more concerned than before.

"Wren has gone missing we need your help, we need to find her she's over used her powers we need to find her before the monsters arrive..." Chiron nodded and spread his arms.

"Campers assemble we need a scouting party a demigod has gone missing and is thought to be lost in the woods. Hermes cabin will group with Apollo stay in the buddy system and light a flare as soon as she is spotted so Jason will then drop down with Percy to assist her back to the infirmary, go all anyone else who wants to help follow the lead of Austin." They all nodded and speak out in twos.

You had curled up at the base of the tree, you had tried to rise a few times but had only resulted in more scrapes on your knees leaving them raw, bruised and bleeding. You had leveled out your temperature as you had gained more energy, so you shivered in the chilly dusk air.

Raising your head you heard some people pushing through bushes ahead of you. They saw you rested against the tree and ran over to you without wasting another moment. It was the two brothers that looked as though they were twins. You remembered them as the Stolls  who had been in the Lava wall accident. One opened the back pack and the other took the flare from the other and lit it. It lit up the entire clearing a deep red colour, soon enough two demigods lowered from the sky. It was Percy and Jason they put one of your arms around each of their necks. The Stolls ran through the forest telling them that you had been found.

You kept up with them as they eventually made it out of the woods where everyone was waiting. All cabin's were dismissed and told that they had free time until 10pm when everyone would be expected to be going to bed. You were brought to the infirmary where you were placed onto your bed and promptly passed out.

You were absolutely extatic today was the day that you would meet up with your new family. You were sat waiting with Mateo and Stella all of you were thrilled to be going together. Stella was 9 and had curly brown hair and Hazel eyes. Mateo was 14 and had obsidian black hair and blue eyes he was the best big brother that you could ask for. You all got along until you started to get godly interference in your life, you started to scare yourself you didn't know who the people in your dreams were they were claiming that you were their daughter. You tried not to believe them and get on with your life but Mateo grew sick and one winter he was rushed to A & E.

He looked up to you with a calm and faint smile then it contorted into an angry smirk. 'It's all your fault you devil's daughter, daughter of death you caused this you killed me!' You started crying and begging him for forgiveness.

'Mateo I'm sorry I didn't know I don't know what to do...'

'There is nothing to do I'm now condemned to the underworld and you sent me there you should be disgusted with yourself....'

The dream began to ebb away and you curled closer into yourself, you were guilty of killing your brother and you would never forgive yourself. He deserved better and for being the best brother you could have asked for he had died and you did nothing but help him get to death.

Silent sobs wracked your body and tears stained your face and soaked your pillow.

You moved and the bed creaked blowing your cover soon enough Will and Kayla came around the corner. Kayla crouched down in front of you and for the first time you let her pull you into a hug. You at first tried to sit stiffly but soon you relaxed into it and she held you until you had no more tears left to cry.

"What happened? Do you want to talk about it?" You shook your head and she pulled you closer.

"Why didn't you tell me you had hurt yourself? We could have fixed that?" You shrugged and looked up into her eyes.

"I didn't want to be a bother..."

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Love ya
- Newolympus X

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