Chapter 45

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~Direct homophobia and murder~
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Monday, August 6th, 1923
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The next day that came around was a Sunday, all of the stores and places that Anthony and Alastor could have gone, not open due to it being the last day of the week.
As was routine, Amélie went to church early in the morning, however for once, she actually asked Alastor to join her. It was an unexpected invitation, the woman not giving a reason as to why she wanted him to join her, however, Alastor politely declined, planning to spend the day with Anthony instead; and spend the day with Anthony he did, the two of them spending a relaxing day up the bayou by Alastor's shed. Anthony managed to get a pretty decent tan that Sunday from being outside so much.

Anthony worked on a few more drawings for Alastor as the brunette documented the drawings in the book he'd been writing with all the different species of plants, herbs, and all sorts.
Sunday was pleasant by all means, and at the end of the day, Anthony and Alastor returned to the older man's home where the two of them shared a Sunday dinner courtesy of Amélie.

As Monday rolled around, the two spent the day discussing ideas of what they wanted to do that day over breakfast at Alastor's house. Amélie had made a short appearance before she had to go to work, her mood quite cheery.
They spent their day just enjoying each other's company until dinner time, Alastor suggesting they see a picture show considering they still had time to make it to the theaters. which Anthony eagerly agreed to.

Once they had everything cleaned up, they left the house and made it just in time for a show featuring Charlie Chaplin. This was the first show Anthony had ever had the privilege of seeing.

"So, tell me, Anthony. What did you think of the picture show? Wasn't it just excellent!"
Alastor asked as they left the movie theater, stepping out into the night, the sun having set not too long ago and the street lamps just being lit by the lamplighters.

They'd decided earlier that they would go to the bar after watching the picture show, so Alastor began to lead them in that direction as they walked.
"I will say, it's been quite a while since I last went to the movies, but they never fail to entertain me!"

Anthony was grinning ear to ear as they walked.
"It was great! Are they all like that?"
He asked, eyes shining despite the creeping darkness of the night.
"Ah, doesn't matter either way. I'd definitely do it again!"
He continued with a small laugh, waving his hand dismissively.

The best part, in Alastor's opinion by far, was right now. Seeing Anthony's grinning smile as they left, his dimples as clear as day as the blonde beamed in happiness.
"Haha, why, we should! Perhaps they will show something different in a week's time. Who knows!"

Anthony nodded excitedly, his smile still so wide, it almost started to hurt his cheeks.
"I'd really like that, Al!"
He really hoped that the next one they went to would be close to empty again so they could hold hands again. The darkness of the room meaning that Anthony and Alastor could very discreetly hold each other's hand throughout.

"Y' think it mighta been weird though? Two guys goin' to a movie?"
The blonde asked in a bit of a hushed voice as he glanced around, a few people still out and about around them.

Alastor too looked around them briefly, not seeing anyone directly in front or behind them. If they were quiet, he supposed they could discuss.
"Not at all, Anthony. We could be simply friends for all anyone knows."
He smiled, folding his arms neatly behind his back, chin raising as they continued to walk.
"For now, the place we need to be most careful at is the hotel. They already pulled us up, and even if it wasn't specifically us that they meant, one can never be too careful."

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