Chapter 16

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Friday, January 28th, 1921
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Alastor had gone to visit Rosie during the week around once or twice, simply to tell her the information that had been found out at the hospital and that things were going well in regards to getting the all-clear for Batallier's murder. He perhaps hadn't been as talkative about Anthony that week, however, that was nothing Alastor wanted Rosie to be worrying about; but knowing her, of course, she would be curious.

Rosie knew something was going on with Alastor due to the simple fact that he suddenly wasn't talking about Anthony at all. An odd thing for him seeing as he would always bring him up at least once during their meetings but even when she asked about him, Alastor would dodge the question entirely. Suspicious in her opinion and she was determined to find out what happened. Knowledge was power to her and being left out of a loop drove her absolutely mad.

Alastor still hadn't thought much about what had happened between him and Anthony, still choosing to ignore it rather than both think about it and talk it through with himself. It was simply easier and he wasn't the sort of person who worried and dealt with matters of the heart- he'd made that very clear, he thought.

Over the next week, Anthony and Alastor continued their distancing while scoping their target. Anthony wasn't around the shop nearly as much, three times out of seven days to be exact, getting the same sausage to feed to Molly, the stray cat he had befriended that liked to hang around Congo Square.

The day soon came though that Anthony was to be cooking dinner for both Alastor and his mother.

Anthony stood outside of the butcher's shop, waiting for Alastor to finish his shift so they go and purchase the necessary ingredients for the meal he was planning to make as an official apology.
Nothing was better than food to an Italian family.

After finishing up with his usual work at the butcher's, Alastor met up with the other man outside, offering him a curt nod as he took out a cigarette.
"Do you know what you're perhaps making this evening? I understand you planned on Italian, so you will need specific ingredients for that, no?"
He spoke, a cigarette between his lips as he lit it up, throwing the used match on the ground behind him as they walked.

Anthony looked up to the man and gave a nod.
"Sure do! Been thinkin' about what I was gunna make all week so I got the perfect thing. Easy, simple, tutto Italiano."
He said with a smile.

By this point, Anthony had gone through his thoughts and feelings with himself and decided it best not to think about it anymore, simply push it deep down again and forget about it.
There was no hope so there was no point in holding onto it.

"Pasta with Parmigiano and butter."
He stated, mouth almost watering just at the name. It was the first dish Molly learned how to make and because they were still young at that point in time, Anthony was there for it too.

Alastor nodded a little at that, glancing down at the blonde briefly. He'd only eaten Italian once before at a small Italian restaurant that was around the French Quarter and from what he remembered of it, it had been rather enjoyable. So of course, he was looking forward to seeing what this dish Anthony had planned was going to both look and taste like.

"Well, it certainly sounds like berries to me!"
He chuckled, the two of them walking first to a small grocery store in case Anthony needed to pick anything up from there.

Anthony did want to pick all of the ingredients up just so he wouldn't use anything he didn't buy himself. That just didn't seem quite fair. He didn't need much anyway so the stop was fairly quick.
Once he'd gotten everything and paid for it all, they were on their way to the streetcar stop and from there to Alastor's abode.
He could only hope that the meal he was going to make would be satisfactory not only to himself but to Alastor and his mother. Italian was quite different from the food they had around here as far as he could tell. If they didn't like it, well, he would just come up with something else to make for them.

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