Chapter 17

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Sunday, January 30th, 1921
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Sunday quickly rolled around, two days after Anthony had made the wonderful pasta dish for both Alastor and his mother.
Originally, he had planned to once again spend the majority of the day with the Italian, the two of them going to scope out Batallier later on in the evening, however, the brief appearance of Rosie the day before telling Alastor that she wanted to meet the next morning had changed his plans slightly.

He wasn't particularly sure what Rosie wanted to speak about, but he supposed he would find out. It was too much of a nice day not to go out, so he and Rosie were going to take a walk around the city as they talked. 

Even before Alastor could knock upon Rosie's door, it suddenly opened.

Rosie was already set and waiting for Alastor's arrival, smiling a bit as she stepped out of the house.
"Good morning, my dear."
She greeted.
"How are you?"

She was simply curious about how Alastor was doing and wanted to see if she would get any answers out of him yet about Anthony. She knew something had happened due to the fact that Alastor had suddenly stopped talking about him entirely over the past week; strange considering Anthony was guaranteed to be brought up at least once by him in every conversation before. She knew that the Italian was also still in the city, having seen him a few times herself.

Standing back as Rosie stepped out of her home, the door closing behind her, Alastor held his arm out for her to take.
"Yes, I am quite well thank you, Rosie. And yourself?"
He asked, the two of them beginning to walk nowhere in particular.
He was quite curious as to what she had wanted to speak about, then again, it could have simply just been her wanting to have a regular conversation and a catch up with him.

Rosie adjusted her elegant hat a bit and took the arm offered to her with a nod of thanks, beginning to walk with the man.
"Lovely, as always."
She smiled.
"How have you been the past few days? Well, I hope."
She had a strategy this time and if it didn't end up working in her favor, she would be getting answers another way.

Alastor nodded slightly at that. He had been alright he supposed.
"Yes, I have been quite well. Awfully busy at the butcher's what with Mardi Gras coming up shortly. Say, do you have anything planned for then?"
As for Alastor's plans for Mardi Gras, if Anthony was still around like he said he'd be, then he would most likely be showing the other the wonders of the occasion for the majority of the day.

"For Mardi Gras? Nothing out of the ordinary jumps out at me in particular, no. Why? Do you have something in mind for it?"
Rosie asked as she casually looked around at their surroundings. She wasn't sure if her plan was quite working the way she'd hoped.

Alastor smiled a little with another nod.
"No, not really. Just the same old I suppose."
He knew that his mother had the morning off on Mardi Gras and aside from her celebrating in the morning, there wasn't much else happening. His mother had wanted to hold a meal in the evening, but alas, she was working.

Rosie gave a bit of a nod, eyes narrowing slightly.
"I see. Do you know if Anthony is doing anything for it? Unlikely, considering he's here for something else entirely."
She said as she gave a polite nod of her head to a passerby.
Since Alastor wasn't going to mention Anthony on his own, she figured she would bring him up to see if he would slip.

Alastor raised a brow at that, curious as to why the woman was suddenly asking about Anthony's business. Alastor hadn't spoken about Anthony in a while, and with good reason, so it was strange that this was the first mention of him again- from Rosie.
"Hm... I suppose it depends on whether he's still around."
Alastor replied with slight suspicion, knowing that Anthony would be around, but wanting to see where Rosie was going with this.

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