14. Shows and tears

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NEW update! Enjoy or don't... please keep leaving your reactions and responses, it always makes me so happy and inspired when I read what you guys have to say!

"Abby are you ready?" Liv called.

"Yeah. How do I look?"

"You look stunning Ab." She grabbed her keys. "I'll drive."

"Those pants make your ass look even more amazing than usual. Fitz is going to die."

Liv rolled her eyes. "Dramatic much." She looked at herself in the mirror. Admitting to herself that she looked great. She wore black fitted pants, with a short white cream coat.

She was excited to see Jadyn in this little play. The lion king. He had no major role, but was in a lot of the dances, so of course they would be there supporting. Heck Liv would even be there if he was stood as the tree at the back of the stage.

When they arrived at the school, of course they bumped right into Sarah, Ky, Fitz, Karen and Mellie. She knew she should have realised this encounter was inevitable but she let it slip past her mind.

"Liv, Abby!" Sarah smiled, waving them over. "Hey guys! How are you?" Abby took lead, knowing Liv was probably a little nervous. That nagging guilt began to service again, she tried her best to keep it buried. "You two look incredible." Mellie aw'd pulling them in for a hug. The guilt. Push it down more, she told herself. "Sarah, Abby and Fitz could all sense it was uncomfortable for Olivia. But she hid it well. "Are you kidding so do you."

"Hey pretty." Olivia kneeled down to Karen, who immediately wrapped her arms around Liv. "Liv!" Olivia giggled, that little girl never failed to put a smile on her face. Fitz tried his best to admire the scene in front of him without being too obvious. "Hey." Liv smiled to Fitz, as friendly and distant as she could.

Olivia was at least glad to see there was no tension between Fitz and Mellie, it was nice to see that they were able to co-exist in their kids lives. "We better hurry in and get some seats." Mellie laughed.

Fitz slowed his pace slightly giving Olivia a second to fall next to him. "Hey." He smiled.

"Hi." She grinned to him. Just standing next to him, for that split second made her forget everything. "You look fucking incredible." He whispered. She looked ahead, making sure no one, especially Mellie, heard. She hated this. "You can't say that here, not when she's right there."

"I'm sorry. I know this isn't ideal. I'm sorry."

"No don't be. I get it. You can't control any of this. I'm sorry for snapping. I just can't help but feel bad. Like I'm betraying her, and she doesn't even know it. Because, well I am."

"We'll talk after? Are we still on for dinner? I really would like some time alone with you?"

She couldn't help but rub his back discreetly, his tone and words never failed to soften her. "Yeah of course. I want that too." She nodded. They quickened their walk, reaching the others just in time to take their seats. She sat between Abby and Fitz. Mellie was a decent few seats away from them, with Sarah, Ky and Karen in between them. She thanked the universe for that at least.

Jadyn and Jerry were great, they made the audience laugh and smile throughout. Olivia forgot about this whole situation while she listened to Fitz laugh and whisper things in her ear. She loved seeing those little kids up on stage, and owning it, at that.

After the show the kids ran outside to find their parents. Jadyn snuck up behind Olivia, pulling on her coat. "Hey you! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" She giggled, bringing her nephew in for a hug. "You guys were awesome!" Abby said excitedly.

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