1. Seriously?

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"Liv! that you?"

Olivia laughed to herself. It was only 4 pm and she's already had the longest day, but the sound of her favourite red heads voice ringing through their apartment already made her smile. "No it's our other roommate, you know the one that totally exists." Abby rolled her eyes, shaking her head as Liv collapsed next to her on her bed. "Long day?"

Olivia let out a long sigh. "The longest day. You know I knew taking this job was going to be a lot, but god I miss college, I want to be 21 again." It's been a year since they both graduated, she knew it was going to take time to get to where she wanted to get and she was grateful, but boy she was tired. "Me too, 24 is kinda depressing isn't it." Liv widened her eyes and nodded. Then they both laughed. They sounded ridiculous. They knew how lucky they are to be on the way to where they always dreamed of being. Liv was working her way up in the law world. She aced 2 internships right out of college and now found herself working in a building that 13 year old Liv couldn't ever imagine. And even though she's just begun and is such a baby lawyer, her name is already emerging, and as her mother loved to say- 'you can only go upwards from here.' She was really proud of herself. And of Abby.

Abby took the forensic, and detective route of law. Which only made the most sense, Olivia is sure Abby was Sherlock Holmes in another life. Olivia thought about that route too back in University, but she decided she wanted to try everything and didn't want to tie herself to specific areas. It was a bonus that her degree allowed her to do that, allowed her to taste every side of law. And Carol always makes sure she gets to take every bite. Carol is like her left arm. Her boss, her oxygen. She was Carols shadow, she learned everything from her, and she was more than happy about that. Carol is well known for her brain and success rate. She sometimes couldn't believe how lucky she was to land there with Carol, because she treated her like a student who wants to learn as well as a co-worker, she was well are that often younger lawyers were placed under bosses who's only interest with them was for to fetch coffee and send messages for them. So she was very grateful.

"So why was today extra long?" Abby asked turning on her side to face her best friend who's eyes were closed as lay on her back. "Just one of those days, Carol has me working on 3 different cases, I just feel like my brain is sizzling." She chuckled. "I'm not complaining, trust me I love it, I just really, really missed my bed today." Abby laughed. "Movie and Chinese night tonight Liv."

"Oh definitely. The mention of Chinese food just there almost made me orgasm." Olivia joked. Abby clapped her hands. "There's my Liv." Their entertaining moment was cut short when Liv's phone started to ring. "Ughhhhh."

"Hey Ky." She smiled as she answered her brother.
"Hey Liv, how are you?"

"I'm good, happy it's Friday, works been kicking my ass lately." She laughed.

"Well I know my sister can kick ass back."

She laughed. He always knew how to make her do that. He was her other best friend always. Growing up with an older brother who loved you more than anything would do that. "You know it Ky."

"So I need a favour, would you be able to collect Jadyn from practice at 5.30. I got called back to work and Sarah is at her moms place."

"Of course I will Ky. I miss my little nugget. It's been too long."

"It's been 5 days Liv."

"Exactly. Waaaaaaay too long. I need some loving from my only and cutest nephew." She giggled. She noticed how Abbys smile lit up. She loved Jadyn as much as Liv did.

"You're the best you know that."

"I hear that's what they're saying now." She teased. "Go go get back to work, I'll bring him back to my place, there's no rush."

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