Chapter 18: National Championships

Start from the beginning

The first one, a red tight dress that was short on both ends, I didn't like. The second one, a long royal blue dress, I didn't like either.

The third one, a white dress that was flowy on the top and tight on the bottom with long sleeves and it went down to mid thigh, it was perfect.

I walked out of the small dressing room and stood in front of Daniel. His eyes moved up to the dress and his mouth fell open.

"Holy crap." Daniel said breathlessly as I smiled.

"Does it look good?" I asked giggling.

"U-uh y-yeah." Daniel stuttered.

"I'll change and I'll go pay." I said walking back and changing into my normal clothes.

I walked out, holding the dress in my hands. Daniel grabbed it out of my hands and walked me over to shoes. He started looking around and picked out heeled black ankle boots.

"I just got out of a cast, do you want me back in one?" I asked laughing.

He found my size and went to the check out counter. I pulled my wallet out of my purse and started pulling out money but Daniel beat me to it.

"I made you try all of the dresses on. It's the least I can do." He said smiling.

*next day*

"Daniel get up! It's time to go!" I yelled to Daniel.

Millie and I were all ready to and waiting for him to come down. He has been up for an hour and is still getting ready.

"I'm coming!" He yelled running down the steps with his bag.

"I'm really nervous." I said as my heart stated beating faster.

"I know you're going to win. If they have you, your team will defiantly win." He said kissing my temple as we walked out of the house.


"Okay girls, we are here to win. We aren't here to say we lost, even if we do we can say that we tried. This is the last game of nationals. If we win, we win it all. Now I want to hear the storm inside of us. STORM ON 3, 1, 2, 3, STORM!" I got to give the final pep talk in the huddle.

We ran onto the field tired but ready to play. We have already played 7 games today and this is the final game in the championship. If we get this we will be remembered in our school's history forever.

After 4 warm up pitches and a coming down, the ump called for a batter and the game had officially started.

I pitched two strikes and the girl hit the ball to the second baseman who over threw to the first basemen, letting the batter get to second.

After the inning was over, the other team had 6 runs. They were ahead and I couldn't watch us loose.

"Come on guys get in here." I yelled. Everyone crowded around me, including coach.

"Who was that out there? Not the team I have been playing for. Let's get it together. Let's go out there and show them what we are all about. Come on!" I yelled putting on all of my batting gear waiting for my turn up.

As I walked out to the batters box all of the bases were loaded; time to work some Joey magic.

I let the first two strikes fly by like usual and slapped the next one over the fence. I started laughing as I ran the bases and the team racked up 4 runs.

By the end of the inning we were up 15-6 and I went out to pitch.

I struck out the first two batters and was on my third batter. I threw her two strikes and the last pitch she hit the ball right at my stomach.

I caught the ball.

Thankfully I caught the ball or else I would have been in the hospital again.

We ran off of the field like the normal Storm we are and got ready to bat.

Bottom of the 7th inning and we are up 45-17. I am the last batter up and then we end the game. I go up and foul the first ball, watch the second strike go by, and then hit the last one with all the power I have.

We won!

After running the bases and making it home I was put on the shoulders of Lindsey and carried around the field. Everyone was chanting my name and the crowd joined in.

The trophy was handed up to me as I held it high in the air.

We are the national champions.

I really want thank everyone that comments because they make me smile. I hope you liked this fairly long update and GO BUCKS!!!

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