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I was sick and tired of being in that meeting. Listening to Madison trying to defend herself.  Every time she said something that was full of bullshit I tried hard to stifle a laugh. Tried being the keyword.

"I didn't instigate any fight, I don't understand why Kai would attack me out of the blue. I was just inviting her to hang out with me and my friends," she lied. Her mother, Mrs. Miller gave me a look, a look that showed she had deep hatred, as if I wasn't best friends with Madison years ago.

"That's a lie," I responded. "And Grayson Dolan was there. I'm sure he heard Madison say that I was a freak, a dead girl, and I quote 'black bitches who always want to fight'. Maybe we should discuss when you called a student who used to go to this school a thug, but we don't have to." I sat back in my seat satisfied with my work.

She couldn't lie and say she hadn't said those things. I had a witness.

    "Ms. Miller, is that true?" Principal Bowers asked her.

    "Well yes, but-"

    "That's all I needed to know," he started punching in numbers in the phone on his desk. "Hi, yes this is Bowers. I was wondering if you could send Grayson Dolan to my office," there was a pause "mhm okay thank you." he hung up and looked at us. "Grayson will be here shortly."

    "I mean it's pretty obvious I'm getting suspended, but she is too right?" I pointed directly at Madison, smirking a little.

    "Nothing's definite. Let's just see how today goes alright? Good."

My mom smacked me lightly on my hand as a way to tell me to calm down. I could see the disappointment in her eyes.

When Grayson came in, I turned around to look at him. His eyes met mine and he made a face. An indescribable face. A look that said "what did you do?"

I turn around and smile to myself. "Mr. Dolan, don't worry, this'll only take a minute of your time. And later on we'll have a one on one and just make sure we're in agreement about everything."

    "Okay," he stayed at the back of the room, our backs to him. I wanted to turn around and look at him again, but I fought myself.

    "Do you feel like Ms. Miller, instigated what happened yesterday?" He asked.

    "Uh, yeah to be honest with you, yes she did. Kai and I were by ourselves doing our own thing when she came up to us and told me to abandon Kai. So, I don't know, there's really not much else I can tell you," he said. His voice was wavering and I didn't know why.

    "Is it true that Madison, made fun of Kai for her sur-"

    "Ah, let's not go there Mr. B," I interrupted. I would not let myself get exposed. "Not everyone here knows about my...struggles," explained, subtly pointing at my face. He gave me a knowing look like he felt sorry for me. He coughed and asked a different question,

    "Did Madison say anything remotely that sounded re-remotely close t-to ra-racism?"

    "Uhm, that's a good question. Yeah, I mean it's really not my place, but it did sound very racist and she just kind of made a generalization I guess. Uh, can I go back to class?"

    "Uh, yes you may. If you are free after school, I'd love to have a brief conversation with you if that's okay."

    "Yeah, for sure." I gave in and turned around as he left.

    "Bye, Grayson," I waved a little and he gave me a small smile. He mouthed a quick, 'good luck' and shut the door behind him.

    "Okay, if the Adisa's could leave the room for maybe 5 minutes, that would be fine so we can individually discuss how we'll move forward."

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