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I woke up snuggled into Grayson's chest. My alarm was blaring. "Gray, it's morning, wake up," I calmly spoke, but still quietly. Mom or Dad were usually up around this hour.

"Good morning," he responded in a deeper voice than normal. My phone dinged signaling a text.

Xxx-xxx-xxxx: Hey, it's Ezra from your PSC. I was wondering if I could have a quick look at your talking points for the speech. I forgot we were presenting today.

Kai: I didn't even know that was today. I can put something together and send it to you before PSC if you want. But I think I'm mainly going to wing it.

Xxx-xxx-xxxx: Please do and thank you btw

I've never talked to that Ezra dude nor did I have an interest in doing so. He seemed like a nice guy, but we were from two different crowds. By that I meant, he actually belonged to a crowd and I did not.

"Who's that?" Grayson asked. I could hear his tiredness.

"This kid from my PSC, we have to present today and we both forgot, it totally slipped my mind."

"PSC? What's that?" He asked with a yawn.

"Presentational Speaking Class."

"Ohhh. What are you talking about for your presentation then?"

"I'm going to exploit my surgery and mental struggles," I blatantly explained.

Exploitation was always the thing to turn to. We had to worry about how to get Grayson out of here undetected, but we ended up sneaking him out of my window when I made sure my mom was in the shower and my father was still asleep.

I ended up coming up with the idea that I was just going to tell my story in full. The idea wasn't terrible. I told Ezra my plan and that was that. On my way to my PSC, I caught a quick conversation with Ethan.

"How's you and RJ Been," I asked Ethan as we walked down the hallway.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," he pretended to be clueless. The two were obviously forming a little relationship. I had never seen the two react, but Ethan had a new way about him.

"How long have you liked her?" I raised my eyebrows up and down in a teasing manner.

"Get to class dumbass," he "changes the subject" which led me to believe that he was madly in-love with her and would do anything for her. Maybe not that extreme, but he liked her. I said a quick goodbye as I turned into my class. I saw a text from Grayson as I took my seat.

Grayson:Idk when you have your speech, but I hope you do great.

Kai: Thank you finity!

I smiled as I hit send on that text. Infinity.

I decided on going first, I just wanted to get it over with.

"That girl everybody sees isn't me..." I zoned out until I actually started telling my story. "I internally sighed, looking at myself in the mirror. I hated doing that, looking at myself, but she was beautiful. I couldn't help it. She was like a drug I was addicted to..."

I finish telling them my story. Now to conclude. I try to keep my voice steady. After what feels like ten lifetimes I finally take a breath. I told my story and it's worth it. I told my story and I can tell that they actually listened.

"You listen to everyone else, and let them make these assumptions about you. It doesn't matter what everyone else thinks. So, I ended up with a guy I thought was shallow and rude and obnoxious and terrible and....those were just my assumptions. Assumptions aside I found the real me. I found that I don't need to be accepted by everyone else. Elle or Jasmine, she is me. I tried to find who she was, but in a way she is me. I am her. She lives on with me. Never forgotten. I never thought that El- Jasmine was me. That the person everyone saw wasn't me, and it never would be. We can blame society and say that beautiful, pretty, and gorgeous is something that was pushed on us, but let's blame ourselves. Let's take accountability. I am Kai Coretta Adisa, and I can gladly say that the person everyone sees is me, can you?"

The class claps for me and I sit down. I'm still drowning in nerves because of it, but it went okay. I feel a tap on my right shoulder. I turn around to see Ezra.

"You did good," he compliments.

"Thank you, I bet you'll do well too," I respond with a smile.

I did good. I told the truth. Jasmine is me. I am the girl they see.I am who they see. It's me. It was always me. 


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