Not What it Used to Be

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He zipped up his outfit and pulled on his gloves and shoes.

Every day it felt as if he were going slower and slower but he just kept telling himself it just because he had a lot on his mind.

With a sigh, he stretched upwards and groaned as his back cracked softly.

Maybe he was starting to get too old for this?

. . . . .nah.

Jackie looked at himself in the mirror, putting his hair up neatly in a small pony tail.

Without realizing it, he let out another heavy sigh, running his fingers through his beard.

'Gotta go by the station this afternoon. Hopefully Abe's got something for me'

Of course he was a vigilante but Abe never turned him down on something he could clearly help on that wouldn't get him into too much trouble.

He latched on his belt that had a few hidden accessories and cleared his throat, 'I guess now's better than never'

Rolling his shoulders back, he went into his little kitchen and pulled out some milk and an apple, 'Hen would kill me if he saw this was all I was eating for breakfast' he chuckled to himself.

That didn't mean he didn't know how to cook but when did he ever have the time?

Chomping into the fruit, he chugged down the milk quickly and only slightly wished Chase was there to make his pancakes for him. Throwing his backpack over his shoulder and heading out of his apartment, Jackie's stomach threatened to growl but he ignored it. He'd eat better later that night.

Instead of taking the front door, however, Jackie opened his window. He unzipped his backpack and took out his grappling hook, twirling it around and hooking up the other end to his belt.

Placing his feet flat on the wall of the building, Jackie looked down with a smirk. He knew most of the others would absolutely HATE this. He jumped off the building with a shout and made his way around the town with his hook.

Every once in a while, he used to see a kid looking up and see him and wave up at him but that hasn't happened in a while.

When he reached the station, Jackie slipped into the alley and put his grappling hook back up away from prying eyes. He was still in his uniform of course but he felt that by now it was okay. Most people knew him this way anyway, mask and all.

Biting his lip, Jackie nervously trotted to the front of the building and waltzed right in without trouble. Most people in the building knew him, after all.

Officers and people at desks used to smile and greet him, though. Not anymore.

Jackie situated his backpack on his shoulder and knocked on Abe's office door.

No response.

He sighed and tried again, "Hey Abe, you in there?"


Someone behind him cleared their throat and Jackie turned to see one of the officers at their desk doing paperwork. She smiled politely at him.

"He slept in there all night last night. You should probably just walk in, Jackie"

"Again?" he snorted, "Thanks Pam."

"No problem!"

Jackie opened the door carefully only to see that she was right. He was most definetly there. At his desk. Sleeping. Practically drooling, really.

Jackie felt tempted on snapping a picture but knew Abe would kill him.

Calmly, the vigilante unzipped his backpack and took out a small toy water pistol just for these occasions.

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