11 | Shallow Valley

Start from the beginning


My eyes fluttered open as I regained consciousness once again. I let out a quiet groan as my eyes adjusted to the brightness of the room I was in. Furrowing my eyebrows slightly, I realized I was on Eligius IV. I went to sit up, but pain shot through my body so I stopped, letting out a groan.

"Hey." I heard someone say softly. I licked my lips as I looked to my right to see Abby. The woman brushed some hair away from my face in a comforting manner.

"What happened?" I asked, my voice hoarse.

"You were shot," Abby answered. "Would you like me to call Bellamy?"

I nodded. "Yes, please."

She woman gave me a single nod before placing a light kiss on my forehead. I watched as the woman left the room. A few minutes later, I heard the door opened. When I looked to my left, I saw Bellamy sending there, a look of sadness and relief on his face.

I gave him a small smile as he made his way over to me. He sat in the chair Abby was originally in, grabbing my hand.

"Hey," I greeted quietly.

He gave me a smile. "Hey... How do you feel?"

"My stomach hurts," I replied. I was silent for a few seconds before I remember the baby. I looked at Bellamy. "Bellamy... The baby?"

I saw the boy stiffen slightly as he slowly shook his head, his eyes watering. I felt my world completely shatter as my eyes filled with tears. "No... No..."

My voice broke as tears fell down my face. I let sobs rack my body as Bellamy climbed into the bed beside me, holding me close. I buried my face into his shirt, crying. I lost it... I lost my baby.

"I should have listened to you," I sobbed. "I should have stayed behind."

"No. No," Bellamy said. "If you stayed behind, you would have been going against everything you know; you're stubborn. That's why I love you."

I looked at the boy beside me, pulling him down into a hard kiss.


Bellamy had brought me up to speed on everything that had happened while I was out. McCreary launched weaponized Hythylodium and launched it into the valley, destroying it; Clarke had killed him afterward. Shaw, the pilot, said it maybe 10 years before the valley comes back. So, instead of growing old, were going into Cryosleep in the pods here on Eligius IV until then.

There was an extra wheelchair that I had gotten into. Bellamy had led me to the room with the pods. Most people know about my pregnancy and what had happened; even Diyoza knows about it.

Bellamy had put Echo into Cryosleep after he had talked. I saw movement out of the corner of my eye and when I turned, I saw Monty and Harper making their way toward me.

"I'm so sorry," Harper gushed as she bent down, pulling me into a hug. "You would've made an amazing mother, Aiden."

I gave her a smile, a single tear rolling down my cheek. When I pulled away, I hugged Monty. "Harper's right. As an old friend once said, 'You're a badass'."

I smiled at the fact that Monty quoted Finn; something I haven't heard in years. After they left, I was greeted by Murphy, Emori, and Raven. I hugged Emori, who said she was so sorry about everything. When I hugged Raven, she gave me a present.

"I made this while a prisoner in the valley," the girl said, holding a small wooden horse in the air. "I made it for the baby, but you can have it instead."

I let out a quiet laugh. "This is amazing, Raven; thank you."

She nodded. I turned to Murphy, an eyebrow slightly raised. "You thinking of a snide comment to make?"

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