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"Hey," Gemma says, sliding into bed beside Zain and handing him a cup of tea.

"Hey," Zain yawns. "You in a better mood today?"

Gemma shrugs. "Did Harry say much yesterday?"

"He ranted a bit," Zain says, blowing on his tea to cool it. "Said you were annoying, you know. Nothing untrue."

"Mean," Gemma says, bumping her shoulder into Zain carefully. "It's just that mum expects him to come you know and I got frustrated when he said he couldn't."

"Didn't sound like he didn't want to, though," Zain says carefully.

"I know," Gemma sighs. "You got along alright, du didn't you? Like, you like him for his sake not just because you didn't have any alternatives, right?"

"Sure," Zain says, sipping his tea and trying to keep his face neutral. At least Gemma wasn't looking at him. "We got along alright. It helps that he doesn't have a concept of personal space so it's like you never left me alone."

"He's worse than me," Gemma yawns. "But good. He needs friends who aren't complete dickheads."

"Wow, what a vote of confidence in your brother," Zain snorts. "No wonder he thinks you're annoying."

Gemma shrugs unrepentant. "Like you aren't worse with your sisters. How is Doniya's boyfriend doing?"

"Oh shut up," Zain defends himself. "That guy is an actual dickhead, I don't know how Doniya can stand him. And he isn't even hot."

"He kinda is," Gemma shrugs. "As long as he doesn't open his mouth. Or type."

"Eh," Zain disagrees.

Gemma rolls her eyes, looking much more perky now that she can make fun of Zain. "Just cause you don't like them muscle-y because it makes you feel insecure doesn't mean he isn't hot."

"I like them muscle-y!" Zain protests, not sure why he even bothers. "Just not steroid muscles. I like them to look at least somewhat healthy."

"You like them soft," Gemma protests. "You softie!" she adds triumphantly like that makes sense.

Zain does very much not tell her about how her brother was very much not soft and grunts in acknowledgment. "Why are you here this early anyways? Usually you let me pretend to be asleep a bit longer."

Gemma shrugs.

"Your conscience bothering you, huh?" Zain asks, hugging her to his side.

She curls into him. "Maybe," she says. "I don't like fighting with him."

"So call?" Zain suggests, downing the rest of his tea.

"You say that like you ever make the first step," Gemma answers, rolling her eyes.

"I do when I fight with my sisters," Zain protests.

"You don't. You never fight with them because they think you can do no wrong. It's annoying." Gemma sighs. "But you still might have a point about calling. I'm gonna shower, I'm going shopping with the girls later. What are you doing today?"

"Nothing," Zain says. "Gotta finish the book for my Romanticism class."

"Boring," Gemma says, smacking a wet kiss to his forehead. "See you later, loser."

"See you," Zain says, taking his phone off the bedside table.

She's gonna call later you're welcome 😇

He yawns, not expecting a response for a while, if at all. He has no clue about time differences but Gemma had usually been calling in the evenings, so Zain assumed it was earlier whereever Harry was.

He's making breakfast when his phone buzzes with a response, surprising him.

Harry 🍑
Wait. Zain?

Zain grins, still amused at the emojis after Harry's name, typing a quick response.


Harry 🍑
She in a better mood?
Thank you xx

Don't thank me yet
But yea

He puts his phone away, taking his bowl and mug of fresh tea back to his room. He could hole up for a few hours and try and finish his book, maybe get another nap in before lunch. Weekends were the best.

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