five years later

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"Oh god, oh god," Gemma says, again, fanning her hands towards her face and blinking in that way that means she was trying not to cry.

"Babe, chill," Zain says, again, feeling like he's the worst person to be here with Gemma. Anyone else would have been better. He doesn't know what to say and he doesn't know how to deal with her tears.

"Chill, he says," Gemma says slightly hysterically, brushing her hands over her dress again. She looks so perfect, Zain's not sure why she's freaking out.

"My wife looks like a fucking angel and I haven't even got the fucking rings because my idiot of a brother forgot to pick them up!" Gemma says a bit shrilly, and Zain has to admit she has a point. Forgetting the rings was rather unfortunate.

"He'll be right back," Zain tries to soothe her, reaching out to pat her arms, which seems to be the only part of her he doesn't have to worry about messing up.

Gemma's having none of it. "I blame you!" she says, pointing her finger. "I knew my wedding would be a disaster because you and my brother couldn't keep it in your pants. And now look what happened!"

"I don't really see how-"

"Shush!" Gemma says, pointing at him. Zain holds up his hands in defeat.

"I'm here!" Harry says, falling through the door with a little bag held up before him. "They're here and they are perfect, everything is alright."

"Good!" Gemma says, grabbing the bag from Harry and opening the ring box. "Good," she repeats, some of her anger seeming to leave her.

"Hey," Harry smiles, trailing his hands over Zain's shoulder. "Looking good."

"You helped pick out the suit, babe," Zain says, pulling Harry onto his lap to kiss him. "Good morning. Your sister is a nightmare."

"Your best friend is worse," Harry grins, wrapping his arms around Zain.

"Oi!" Gemma yells, throwing one of her hotel slippers at her. "No snogging at my wedding! I thought you'd ruin it by hooking up but this is worse."

"Gemma," Mum says, entering just in time, a baby on her arm. Harry immediately tries to go for it, sliding off Zain's lap and bee-lining. Zain grabs him, holding him back. Anne would be able to calm down Gemma, and if it meant keeping Harry from a baby for a few minutes, he'd take it.

"We need to get our own," Harry says quietly, straining his neck to look at the baby as Anne soothes Gemma. "Soon. Look how perfect his little hands are."

"You wanted to wait," Zain reminds him gently, kissing his cheek.

"I know," Harry sighs, taking Zain's hand and twisting his wedding band around his finger. "But I don't think I want to anymore."

Zain kisses him softly, flinching when Gemma throws another slipper at them despite Anne's scolding.

"Don't just sit there! We need to leave," Gemma says, slightly hysterical.

"Jesus, Gemma," Harry huffs, ducking behind Zain. "I thought Alys would be the bridezilla not you."

"Harry, shush," Anne says, sounding amused, still juggling the baby on her arm. Zain wonders who thought to give the mother of the bride a baby to babysit just before the wedding. "She's nervous and that's perfectly fine. You weren't any better on your wedding day."

"Was too," Harry mutters petulant but hides behind Zain again and drags him out the room before Gemma. They slow down as they walk down the stairs, Gemma's friends all waiting downstairs with their phones and plenty of tissues, at least two of them already sobbing.

Zain catches Harry's hand, his eyes wet from emotions as well. Harry dabs his own eyes and smiles back at him, turning around at the bottom of the stairs to watch Gemma descend in her gown.

Harry squeezes his fingers, pressing his arm against Zain's, sniffling slightly.

Zain presses back, watching Gemma beam at her friends. It's not Gemma's future he's thinking about, though.

"Your entrance," Harry says, pressing a kiss to Zain's cheek and pushing him forward when Gemma turns to look at him. "Love you."

"Love you, too," Zain says automatically and offers his arm to Gemma. She grins at him.

"Alys is gonna be my wife," she blurts, holding onto Zain tightly.

"I know," Zain says, throat closing up. He'd been chosen to walk Gemma down the aisle because he'd be the least likely to start sobbing, but right now, he thinks he was the wrong choice.

"You know what Alys and my name is?" Gemma asks as the music starts.

"Styles-Jones?" Zain asks, confused, letting the last people rush past them to their seats.

"Zain," Gemma huffs, shaking her head and blowing her mum a kiss when she walks past, now babyless, Harry right behind her, both of them already crying. "Our name. Like ours is Zesty Grapefruit!"

"Dunno," Zain asks, wondering if Gemma was trying to calm him down or if she was doing it for herself. "What is it?"

"Amazing Grapes," Gemma says, waving at her ex-girlfriend happily.

Lesbians, Zain thinks with an eyeroll when Jo waves back with a grin. "I thought we agreed grapes were boring."

"Yea, but see," Gemma whispers like they're not walking down the aisle on her wedding. "We're amazing grapes. We take something boring but because it's us it's amazing."

"Wow," Zain says equally quietly. "Not sure if that's romantic or stupid, you grapefruit," he says and Gemma laughs loudly, before remembering that this was a serious occasion and tries to somber, skipping the last steps towards her bride.

It's too late anyways, because Alys is turning around, beaming back at them, and Zain can't help but say: "Brought you your grapes."

Alys giggles, taking Gemma's hands from Zain and completely forgetting about him instantly.

Zain walks back to Harry, sinking onto the pew next to him and accepting the kiss Harry presses to his cheek, letting Anne grab his hand across Harry's lap.

He's so very glad they took the chance back then, that they've kept going all these years despite everything. He doesn't want to imagine how today would feel without Harry's cheek on his shoulder as he watches his sister get married, without the knowledge that next time they might be all together because of a baby. He brushes his lips over Harry's forehead and watches Gemma says "I will" with a wide grin on her face.


the end the end

turned a bit more zamma centric than i expected, but then, they started this mess.

zesty grapefruit [zarry] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now