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"Oh, here you are."

Zain grunts and buries further into the hair in front of his face, Gemma snuggled close behind him.

"Morning, mum."

"Baby, I was looking for you. Breakfast is ready. Did you fall asleep here?"

"We were watching a movie. Didn't mean to fall asleep."

Zain grunts in annoyance when he's elbowed into the ribs. "Zain, Gemma, wake up. Breakfast."

"Urgh," Gemma says behind him, her voice hoarse. "What time is it?"

"Just gone nine," Anne answers, sounding closer now. "Come on, up. We've got lots of things to take care of."

Harry gets up rather abruptly and Zain uses the space he vacated to roll onto his front, hiding his face in the pillow.

"Wake up, love," Anne says, stroking Zain's hair. "Come on. And baby, don't just stand there, take a shower."

"Urgh, mum, why do we have to get up?" Gemma asks, shifting. Zain blinks one of his eyes open in time to catch Anne press a kiss to Gemma's forehead, stroking her hair.

"We need to prepare the party," Anne says. "And you've slept enough, it's already nine. Come on. Zain, Harry always uses the guest bathroom because Gemma and he fight if they share one, so you'll have to wait until he's done. I'm sorry."

"'s fine," Zain slurs sleepily, trying to keep his second eye open. "Does he take long?"

"Yes," Gemma says, rather forcefully. "He takes ages. But you can use mine if you want to. I showered yesterday and I gotta shave and all that later anyways."

"All right," Anne says, brushing her hand over Zain's hair again. "Don't take too long, you two. We really need to get going."

"Yes, mum," Gemma says, pushing at Zain. "Go on, shower. I wanna stay in bed for a while."

"That's the real reason you're giving me your shower," Zain grumbles, sitting up slowly. "Why do parents think nine am is late," he adds as he stands up, scratching a hand through his hair. "I just want to sleep."

"They're evil," Gemma says, sounding half-asleep again. "Wake me when you're done."

"Sure," Zain says, pulling his t-shirt down.


"We'll have Fred and Louise staying, and they are bringing Poppy," Anne says over breakfast, kissing Harry's cheek as she brings him a bowl of fruit, rubbing Zain's back as she passes him. "That means you'll have to double up. I'm sorry, Zain. It was short notice, I didn't think they'd make it. Poppy had a bit of a cold."

"'s fine," Zain shrugs. He hadn't really expected the guest room either way and Gemma's bed was plenty large. "I'll move my stuff to Gemma's after breakfast. I just gotta move my clothes."

"That's fine, love," Anne says. "No rush."

"You'll have to share with Harry, though," Gemma says around a mouthful of food. "Jo is coming later and definitely staying the night."

"Unbelievable," Zain says, rolling his eyes. "Throwing me out for a booty call."

"Excuse me," Gemma says, indignantly, pointing her spoon at Zain. "We are dating. We're basically childhood sweethearts."

"Since when?" Zain laughs, spearing a piece of watermelon.

Gemma fidgets. "Sunday," she says, flipping him off before turning to her mother. "You don't mind, do you? And please don't be weird. It's still very new and I don't want you to run her off," she adds with a glare in Harry's direction.

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