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"Oh it's you," Gemma says, disappointed enough that Zain looks up from the article he's reading on his laptop.

"Always nice to see you, too, Gemma," Harry says, grinning at her and closing the door behind him. "Hey Zain," he adds, his arms wrapped tightly around Gemma as she endured it. "Long time no see."

"Hey," Zain says, amused, and goes back his reading.

"Did we know you're coming?" Gemma asks, letting herself fall onto the sofa abs putting her feet in Zain's lap.

"Surprise," Harry says with a flourish, sitting down in their armchair. "I thought I'd come visit, I was just at mum's and haven't seen you in ages."

"Where are you gonna sleep, idiot?" Gemma asks, toeing Zain's book to annoy him. She's excellent at mustitasking like that. Zain pinches her foot, making her jerk and slap his shoulder.

"We can share," Harry says, shrugging.

Gemma shoots him a distrustful look. "You're not sharing with Zain, though."

"I thought you were sleeping at Jo's anyways," Zain says without looking away from his book.

"Zain," Gemma sighs in disappointment.

"Not sure why you're making a fuss then, I can have your bed."

"I don't trust you," Gemma grumbles. "But alright. Since I'm a nice sister and all."

"You're the most generous sister of all time," Harry answers sarcastically. "What are you doing with Jo, then?"

"What do you think?" Gemma says equally sarcastically.

"Needlework," Zain smirks, rising his eyes from his book just long enough to meet Harry's eyes. Harry snorts.

"Pottery," Gemma says with an eyeroll, pinching Zain. "She's got to work tomorrow, though, so we can do stuff."

"Exciting," Harry says drily. "Looking forward to it."

"You should," Gemma nods and turns on the telly.


Zain looks up when Harry opens the door. "Gemma's gone then?" he asks.

"Yea," Harry says, straddling Zain and leaning down to kiss him.

Zain parts his lips on reflex, cupping Harry's cheek, and pulling him closer, meeting the press of tongue with his own.

It takes him a second to remember, caught up in the familiarity of it. "Babe," he says, turning his head to the side and breaking the kiss, scratching the back of Harry's head as Harry mouth's along Zain's jaw. "Babe, stop it, I have a girlfriend."

"What?" Harry says, sitting up abruptly and looking down at Zain. He looks gorgeous with his lips red and wet, parted in surprise, his cheeks slightly flushed and his pupils blown, his chest heaving slightly.

"I have a girlfriend," Zain repeats, stroking his thumb over Harry's thigh.

"Oh," Harry says, blinking a few times. Zain feels kind of smug about the disappointment on his face. He shouldn't but it's a nice ego boost. Harry lets himself fall onto the bed beside Zain, wrapping his arm around Zain's waist and putting his chin on Zain's shoulder, still as snuggly as usual.

"Since when?" he asks, throwing his legs over Zain's. "Gemma didn't say."

"Couple of months," Zain says with a yawn, rubbing Harry's shoulder absent-mindedly. "Why would Gemma tell you?"

"Dunno," Harry shrugs. "She's a gossip."

Zain shrugs. "Not really. And we haven't seen each other in months."

"We did talk on the phone though," Harry says, tugging on Zain's t-shirt gently. "I've called you."

"Never really came up, did it?"

"I guess," Harry sighs. "So what do we do now that sex is apparently out?"

"Don't sound so disappointed," Zain snorts. "Movie?"

Harry sighs heavily again. "Yea, alright. You sure you don't wanna break up with your girlfriend for a bit?"

Zain grins, smacking a kiss to Harry's forehead and grabbing his laptop off the floor. "You're not that good of a lay, babes."

"I-" Harry stutters, snorting. "I'm not sure I should laugh at that. That's mean!"

"Is it?" Zain grins before softening slightly, cupping Harry's chin and stroking his thumb over it. He's got Gemma's mean streak but he also knows that for all that Harry was brazen confidence, he wasn't really sometimes. Gemma had always been worrying about it, and he's interacted with Harry enough to realise it himself.

"I'm joking, babe," he adds, just to be sure, opening the laptop and balancing it on Harry's hip. "Whatcha wanna watch?"

"You don't get a say in movie choice for that," Harry says, shaking his head slightly. "And why are we watching on your laptop?"

"I'm not leaving my bed again," Zain yawns. "Living room is too far away."

Harry snorts, lifting the laptop up to wiggle around. "I bet you don't even have a girlfriend. You're just too lazy for sex tonight," he says, putting laptop next to him and pulling at Zain's arm until he's spooning him.

"Got it in one, bossy," Zain answers, amused. It is more comfortable like this, even if Harry's mess of hair was blocking part of his view. It's not really a loss because Harry is already pulling up one of the romantic comedies Gemma also always complains about.

"I know you," Harry yawns, starting the movie. "Gemma complains about you a lot, it's like I'm living with you."

"I was just thinking the same thing," Zain answers, hiding his yawn against Harry's shoulder blade. "Don't wake me if I fall asleep."

Harry elbows him gently in the ribs. "Don't fall asleep, we're watching a movie!"

"Course we are," Zain lies, closing his eyes.


we've had a bit of a time jump, oops. also, what am I doing?

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