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"Thank you so much for you help, Zain," Anne says, kissing Zain's cheek. "What do you want for breakfast tomorrow? I'll make your favourite."

"Porridge is fine," Zain says.

"Oi," Harry protests, draping himself over Zain to get closer to his mum. "I helped as well, why don't I get special breakfast?"

"Of course you will, baby," Anne soothes, cupping Harry's cheeks and kissing him, unbothered by the fact that Zain is stuck between them. "I just know your favourites but I don't know Zain's, yet."

Zain meet Gemma's eye over Anne's shoulder. "Momma's boy," she mouths, rolling her eyes. "Spoiled."

Zain grins at her and steps to the side when Anne lets go of Harry, glad to escape their suffocating clutches.

"Porridge is fine, really. Or whatever Harry's having," he says.

"Alright, darling," Anne says, "and you Jojo? Still the same?"

"Slightly less sugary, maybe," Jo says as Gemma rolls her eyes again. "I'm not sixteen anymore. Thanks, Anne."

"Of course, love," she says. "Now off to bed, it's getting late. Harry, make sure you give Zain an extra blanket. You know you hog them."

"It's way too hot for blankets, mum," Harry sighs, grabbing Zain's arm and pulling him towards the stairs. "Night, love you."

"Still give him one. He might run cold!" Anne says, adding "Love you, too, baby. And you, Gemma. Sleep well."

"You too, mum," Gemma says, smacking a kiss to her cheek before pulling Jo up the stairs and past them, sticking her tongue out. "Sleep well, losers."

"You too, idiot," Zain answers, flipping her off. She winks at him and pulls Jo into her room, closing the door with a bang.

"You know where it is," Harry says. "I'm just gonna grab the blanket."

"I really don't need one, you were right, it's hot."

"Mum's scold me if I don't," Harry says, shrugging. Zain shrugs back at him and turns on the light in Harry's room.

He quickly changes into a clean shirt and pulls off his jeans, hanging them over the chair that's already got some of Harry's clothes on. His towel and toiletries are already in the bathroom, so he goes to get ready before Harry returns. If he was anything like Gemma he'd take ages to brush his teeth and get ready.

"Am I ok in pants?" He asks when he comes back onto the room with minty fresh teeth. Harry is bent over a drawer, rummaging around.

"Hm?" He makes, turning slightly. "Oh sure, I don't mind." He gestures towards the bed. "The green one is yours. I'll just be a moment."

"Sure," Zain answers, letting himself fall face-first into the bed. It's as comfy as Gemma's and he pushes at his pillow until he finds an acceptable position, closing his eyes.

"Move," Harry says, pushing at him.

Zain blinks his eyes open, surprised to find that he has dozed off. He grunts and shifts back slightly so that he is lying less in the middle of the bed, lifting his arm.

It's only when Harry's already lain down under it, pushing back against Zain's chest, that Zain realises that this is neither Gemma nor his sisters.

"Good?" Zain asks, eyes drifting closed again. He runs a hand over Harry's head to push the hair from his mouth.

"Perfect. I like being the little spoon," Harry says. "Sleep well."

"You too," Zain says, yawning.

Harry hums in response and pulls Zain's arm more firmly around himself.

Zain falls asleep, thinking that Harry's hair smells like his shirt had looked. Like summer and warmth.


Too lazy to proofread plus I'm writing on my phone so sorry for any typos etc. One of these days I'll edit my stories. Maybe.

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