This man was the lead singer to my favorite band H.I.M, the band that I fell in love with as a teenager. I didn't know what to say after, if I should tell him that I know of him and that I'm a fan, or if I should just keep playing like I don't know of him at all. I came up with a solution that was someplace in the middle. 

"I'm sorry, I just realized you're Ville Valo, I have a friend that is obsessed with your band she shes always talking about it with everyone."

"Really now? Are you sure its a friend of yours and not you yourself? The look that you gave me when you looked at my face was the look of someone who doesn't just know of my band, but knows my band" He smirked and looked at me and then down at the menu, pretending to look through it. 

He was right though, I could basically regurgitate the bands Wiki page from memory and then corrected it a bit. 

"Well I've listened to you too, you know because I hang around her all time time. She has all your albums" I replied, continuing with the white lie that he could tell was just that. He just nodded and smiled looking up at me and studying my face, then looking back down at the menu and closing it.

The waiter came by and took our drink orders, I ordered a black coffee and Ville ordered a beer.  "You don't mind do you?" he glanced at me right after he ordered it. I shook my head 'no' as a reply, waiting for the waiter to leave before I spoke again. 
"So, how long where you under the tree before you noticed me?" He looked down before looking back up and replying. "Only a few minutes, I didn't notice you until I heard you crying. Why were you crying? If you don't mind me asking"

Those green eyes looked at me with such kindness and warmth, such love for someone that he had just met not even an hour ago. 

I couldn't tell him everything, I had only just met him, and I didn't feel like pouring my heart out to someone that i might have adored for years, but only just met. 

"Oh, just family stuff. I have a lot of family stuff going on is all" Stuttering, I took a deep breath and wrapped my arms around myself as silenced settled in over us until the waiter came back with our drinks. 

Taking the cup in hand, clinging on it for all of its warmth. 
"Sorry, I guess I shouldn't have told you that." I sipped my coffee slowly, not caring if the heat burned my tongue.

 "Don't be sorry darling, I asked you" He touched my hand and gave me a smile of reassurance.

For the most part, the rest our time was spent in silence, Ville asked if I wanted anything else to eat or drink but I refused every offer that he made. When the waiter came with our checks we both went to grab the book. 
"Oh no darling, I'm paying for this." He insisted, taking the check and slipping his card inside. 

"Thank you." I whispered. He just nodded and smiled again. 

As we walked out into the cold, damp air I turned around and to face him 

"I should probably be heading back, my family would be worried if I don't get back soon. Thank you, for the coffee and everything ."


I watched as she drank her coffee and listened to every word she said. I studied her face just as she studied mine when she thought I wasn't looking. I could tell when she was lying about not being a fan by the way she looked at me, and the way she didn't look at me. I could tell that those "family problems" were a little heavier than what she wanted to admit. 

She was beautiful in every way, it drove me to so many questions that I wanted to ask. But I could tell that she was caught up in her own head, stuck in the solitude of her brain. 

I tried to spend more time with her by offering her food, or something else to drink but after the 3rd refusal I dropped the subject and paid for our drinks.

We walked out of Denny's, and this time she wasn't stuck to me because she was too cold, this time she was just next to me, close enough to sometimes touch my hand or her shoulder would bump into my arm. 

She looked up and sighed that dreadful sigh of not wanting to go, but feeling like she had to. 

"I should probably be heading back, My family would be worried if I don't get back soon."  Her voice sounded sadder than her sigh, I waned to help but I didn't know how, or what to say to make her feel better

"Darling, is there anything I can do to help? Anything at all" I grabbed one of her hands and cupped it in mine "I want to help you, I know there is something that you're not telling me. I can help if you let me, even if that one thing is talking about what is going on or just talking about anything, you can talk to me. though we just met, I can be that friend."

 Slowly and carefully she took her hand away from mine and looked up at me, her eyes beading with tears. She walked to the bus stop bench a the start of the road and cried. Following I sat next to her and hugged her as tight as I could. 

Cheyenne's P.O.V

As he spoke I felt how much he cared about someone he just met, I've been told through people who have met him via concerts have always spoke about how caring he is, but  I never thought it was to this extent. Maybe it wasn't, maybe it was just me, or the mood he was in tonight. 
I couldn't help but cry, his kindness was overwhelming and my eyes wouldn't stop fucking watering.

He held me tight on that bench, like someone willing to take down the world and protect you from everything. He was willing to listen and that meant the world to me, but how am I supposed to tell someone (that I just met) what going on at the house? or even a small part of it. 

I pulled away and wiped my eyes with the back of my hand, his hands rested on my shoulders. 

"you know, I'm probably everything that they tell me, I mean if your family tells you, then its gotta be true, right?" I looked up at him, I couldn't tell if I was asking him or asking myself but i asked anyway. 

His eyes and face settled with confusion and shock biting his bottom lip, stuck between not knowing how to react and not knowing what to say.

"What do they call you sweetheart?" He settled for, looking for an answer on my face.

"They tell me that I shouldn't even be on this planet, that I fail at everything I do, that I break everything and everyone I touch. I know it shouldn't bother me after almost 20 years of this but I'm suck there even if I don't want to be. After awhile everything just kind of builds up. 

He pulled me back in for a hug and slowly ran his fingers through the end of my hair "I promise you that none of those things are true, I know that and I only just met you." Honesty filled his voice, he really meant what he said, and I don't understand why. 

He kissed the top of my head "no one should have that to go home to." he whispered. 

"Not really." I admitted "I really only have them. Sometimes when I have the extra cash I can rent a motel a few blocks down from here" I wiped my eyes again and pulled away again, looking down at my palms. 

"Well that is a lot better than having to go back home when you need a break, but if you want you can stay the night with me, I'm renting a house down here as my own getaway." he offered, taking one of my hands and kissing it softly as he wiped a tear from my cheek with the other. "You shouldn't be alone tonight, Cheyenne"

I looked up at him. I didn't want to be alone, but I didn't want to intrude into his home that he is probably still getting comfortable in. "I don't want to intrude, that's the last thing I want to do." 

Ville laughed and shook his head "you are not intruding in anyway, it would be nice to have the company to be honest, and it's nice to know somebody in this town other than the nice lady that makes my coffee." 

"Well... uh.. okay I guess a night wouldn't be so bad."

He nodded and got up to get a taxi for the two of us. 

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