Bill sat in an armchair.

"But now?"

"The last person I ever expected to see was Cameron. He took me completely by surprise and now, he is setting up a practise in Corner Brook."

"How does that make you feel?"

Matty shook her head.

"I don't know, Bill. It did bring back some feelings, seeing him."

"Feelings I have to worry about?"

"No. Never. It was not that kind of feelings."

Bill got up from the chair and walked back into the kitchen.

"You want a coffee?"

"No, hun. I'm gonna pour myself a drink."

Matty was pouring a scotch when Bill walked back into the living room.

"How much did Nanny Dove tell you?"

"I have a feeling that she told me everything. She told me that you were in love with this man and that the two of you planned to start a law practice together, as soon as you both graduated. She told me that you were engaged, kind of and that for a time, you lived together."

Matty sat back down on the couch.

"We didn't really live together. Cameron would stay over. He was still living with his parents. They lived in St. John's."

"But you did sleep with him," Bill commented, as he sat down in the armchair once again and lit a cigarette.

Matty took a deep breath.

"We did sleep together, that is true, but not in the sense that you might think."

Matty drank her drink quickly and stood up.

"We did sleep in the same bed and we did fool around somewhat, but there was never sex."

Matty spoke as she walked to the bar and pored another drink. She turned to Bill and leaned against the bar.

"I never had sex with Cameron. I made it very clear to him that I was saving myself for marriage. He kept reminding me of our plans for the future and that, as far as he was concerned, we were already connected because of the promise ring he gave me."

Matty wiped a tear from her eye.

"I did love Cameron, but I honestly don't think I was ever in love with him."


"I don't know," Matty whispered.

"I will be honest with you, Bill. Cameron is a very handsome man. Tall and well built. But there was always something about him. He was a flirt and the women certainly responded to him."

"Then why did you stay with him?"

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