
Start from the beginning

"I heard about Tony having to save your ass the other night. I wanted to talk to you because I was around your age when I threw myself head first into this crazy world too," the older man said with a shrug of his shoulders. "I want to stop you from making the same mistakes I did."


"When I was your age, I joined the war," Benjamin began as he leaned back in his seat. "I became Howard Stark's assistant, became part of the super soldier program, and helped create the superhero that has forever been one of my best friends. But to do all of that, I sacrificed a lot of my life. I sacrificed actually being a kid to run off to the army and try to live like a hero. It's not all glitz and glamour. You don't have to be the biggest superhero in the world, just use your powers to help the little guys. Don't sacrifice your childhood to have this life, it's not worth it."

"But I want to do this," Peter argued back. "I was given these powers for a reason, and it's my job to use them. If I can help save people, but I don't, then that's on me. I have a job to do. Aud- Ms. Motter, don't you feel the same? You don't regret it, do you?"

"I became Imperial to protect Tony. Almost every decision I've made, though my own, has been for Tony. So there are moments...where I think of what could've been if I didn't choose this life," Deli told the kid honestly. "I missed a lot of Aurora's childhood, which is the biggest regret of my life."

"But you love what you do, don't you?"

"I can't lie and say I don't, because I do, but this life extracts a toll. It tires you out, it wears you down, as you lay down your life for the world and receive nothing in return..." 

Audelia trailed off, her voice going quiet. Benjamin placed his hand on top of his daughter's as he looked at the kid.

"I asked Della to bring you here because I was once in your shoes, kid. I didn't have powers, but I sacrificed my life in order to serve others. And while I would do it all again, that doesn't mean that I don't sometimes sit back and regret not being a child while I had the chance. If you can't listen to Tony, or even Deli, take it from someone who's gone through this. Just stay close to the ground, while you still can,"

The room was plunged into silence for a few moments as Peter sat quietly and thought. He opened his mouth to speak before shutting it, grabbing his backpack and slinging it onto his back, standing up.

"I, uh, I really need to get to the bus for the field trip,"

"I know," Deli whispered, nodding her head. "If you could go let Aurora know we have to go I'll get you there on time."

Benjamin watched Peter walk into the bedroom before his eyes trailed to his daughter. She sat quietly, staring down at the floor as his hand found her's again.

"I need you to know that Aurora loves you," he told her, squeezing her hand. "She doesn't hate your job, she loves what you do. If she could do it over again, you and Tony would always be superheroes."

"I know, but what I said was true," Deli looked up at her father. "Everything I have done in my life, every choice I have made, every sacrifice I have taken's all been for Tony."

"Because you have loved him with your entire heart, for your entire life. And you always will,"

A tear finally escaped Audelia's eye and slipped down her cheek as she looked to her father, all to aware of the feeling of Maria's ring on her finger.

"But what if he never comes back? What if, by finally not choosing him, I lose him?"

Benjamin watched as his daughter stood and walked to the bedroom. Halfway there she paused, as he father spoke once more.

"Your mother never approved of you and Tony, but she always knew it was inevitable," he let out a low chuckle. "She told a story to you one night of two people...they were two halves of the same soul. That when the universe burst open and created life, the souls were made of the same atoms, bound together for all of eternity. And no matter how far those souls would drift apart, no matter the force that tried to separate them, they would always drift back together. Their life together would never be peaceful, as when they clashed they would clash hard. They would make the other question everything, change their reality, and leave a mark on them forever. No matter the lifetime, these souls would find one another again and again, destined to fall in love until the end of time...these two souls she spoke of were you and Tony. He'll come back, Della. He will always come back to you."

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Ugh I love Benjamin

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Ugh I love Benjamin.

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