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"No, don't do this!"

A child's laughter.

Screams of pain.

"T-t-t-to.. welcome... Raspy Hill."


"Str- strang- g- strange dreams lately."

Distorted mages and sounds float in your  mind. You feel as if you're deep underwater, losing breath, losing hope. You're alone in a place where no one can reach you, where no one can hear you.

"Make you feel.. right at home."

Lights flickering. Bulbs smashing.

You shake your head, and everything feels so distant. You're not connected to anything. The sounds are fuzzy, the images are blurry. So much death, you think to yourself. Too much.

"Wake up, my little pet!"

Screams, more screams, of blood-curdling terror.

"No... give him back! You give him back!"

Your eyes snap open and you gasp. It's black, pitch black. There's restrictions on your wrists, ankles, and your torso. You try to move. You can't. Trapped, you realise. Restrained to a bed, judging by the squeaks of wires and springs as you shuffle from side to side.

There are no sounds around you. Silence, both a friend and an enemy at the best and worst of times. You squirm, but each time you squirm, the restrictions get tighter. It gets harder to breathe, so you stop trying to move your torso. You grunt in an effort to move your legs, then hiss in pain, teeth gritted, when you remember you broke one of them, the left one. Then the rest of the memories come flooding back. Mark, the bodies. Oh god, Mark.

Your muscles tighten as you start to worry about him. What happened? Why? Who was he? Was he always a murderer? Where were you? Were people who knew Mark safe? Were you safe?

You squeeze your eyes shut as your head starts to pound with all the questions. You shiver; it's cold in the place you are, very cold.

You give up after a long stretch of time. It could have be hours, days, months, even just minutes. But you are tired, cold, and so afraid. So you close your eyes and wait. In the silence, you could have sworn you hear noises. But they are probably a figment of your imagination. Like the Mark that scared you was.. right? Just a figment of your imagination, some crazy dream?

After a time, a light is turned on. It sears your eyelids, and you throw your head away from it. After waiting in the darkness for so long, it seems blinding. You wish it were like the light of heaven, but where you are and how cold you feel crumbles that thought to dust as soon as it enters your mind.

Eventually, you open your eyes. What was before a blinding light has turned to a single bulb hanging by a string in the centre of a bare, wooden room. You see that you are tied to a bed. A thought crosses your mind of how utterly cliché this all is. That thought is put immediately to rest when you see him.

Every muscle tenses in your body as you start to thrash wildly in your restraints; you can't stop remembering what he was like before you passed out. The images of gore and horror seeping into your mind don't exactly help, either.

He stands there, his face in plain view. His skin is a sick grey, and it shines. His hair and clothes are all the same; he's wearing the same clothes he wore before you passed out: jeans with a plain black v-neck. But his face keeps slipping in and out of Mark's with black eyes and a crooked grin to a hideous thing. That is all you can describe it as. That's all you can describe him as.

Demons - a Markiplier, Darkiplier & Warfstache x Reader.Where stories live. Discover now