Chapter Forty: Faceless

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The first one to rush out was Kestra. She ran to Myra, who picked her up in her arms and held her close, whispering softly to her daughter. Jasper backed away, knowing not to intrude on the moment. He caught Nala's eye instead and walked towards her, uncertain of where they stood.

"You made it back," she said, still sounding disbelieving. "You survived."

"Couldn't have done it without Myra. The conduit—Hadlow—is dead." Nala gasped in surprise, her expression quickly morphing to glee.

"He was the conduit?" She exclaimed. "And he's dead now. Jasper, that's an amazing achievement—he's Medea's best general.We struck a real blow today."

Her excitement faded as she noticed the blood dripping down his shirt. "Are you alright?" Jasper suddenly noticed the gash.

"I'm fine. I think most of it isn't mine, anyway." Nala gave a shaky breath of relief, still looking at him with disbelief

"When you were had me so worried, Jasp. Don't ever do it again." He gave something of a smile. Maybe it was wrong, but the fact his aunt feared for him meant that she cared about him again. That a part of her had forgiven him just a little bit. He opened his mouth, trying to figure out what to tell her, how to mend the rift still existing between them—

"Jasp?" Myra said incredulously. "Well, that's interesting."

"No." He said firmly. "I do not answer to Jasp." Nala shook her head at Myra, eyes glinting with a familiar and mischievous gleam.

"He does. He also answers to J and Jaspie." Jasper went red.

"No, I certainly do not." He looked at Myra with pleading eyes.

"Of course he doesn't," Myra smiled. "Don't be so mean to Jasp."

"Jasp?" Kestra inquired. He gave her a sour look.


There was no time to lose. Medea could only replace a conduit through physical contact, but news would spread quickly and they had no idea what else she might have in store for them. Within two hours of Myra and Jasper's return and debriefing, the army were outfitted at the mouth of the tunnel, prepared to take on anything that came their way.

"The tunnels will take us to multiple places outskirts of the city," Myra declared, voice loud and commanding. "There will be hundreds of crossroads at different points in the tunnel systems. We split up and attack in different areas in the Kallian Quarter. Try to avoid detection. It will be hard as you're in groups of around twenty or so, but it won't be impossible."

"Everyone's band corresponds to a different group that takes a different path through the tunnels." Nala continued, voice echoing. "Those of you with numbers on your band will enter in the valkyrie quarter and are in charge of opening the gate. Our Kallians won't be able to enter until that happens." Jasper looked at his band. Blue with the number 5. "Those with letters will be in charge of beginning the assault in the Kallian Quarter. Your tunnels will lead you just outside, but still in valkyrie territory. Group leaders, put your hands up!" Dozens of soldiers wearing different coloured vests with different numbers or letters raised their hands in the air and separated from the mass of soldiers. Jasper navigated through the army to find Nala with a blue vest and the number five.He scanned the gathering ranks of his group. Maia was there, lightning already dancing on her skin in anticipation.Otherwise, he found no familiar faces. His aunt caught him searching for Myra's face amongst the crowd and gave him a small smile.

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