Chapter 31 🥛💊

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Stephens POV:

Placing my Brooklyn down onto my bed that was in my private airplane getting ready to take off to Toronto.

I couldn't help myself but stare at her as she slept.

A strand of her hair had fallen upon her face so I moved it away, hoping that I would not disturb her as she slept.

The sleeping pill that I had slipped into her water bottle before we had left home had taken a really good effect on her body.

Less than 3 minutes and she was out like a light, that must be a world record somewhere in the world I thought to myself.

I have never seen this sleeping drug work so fast on someone like it did on her.

I hated that I had to drug her in the first place but I truly had no other option to do so.

She needed to calm herself down after witnessing me killing that so-called bitch.

My Queen had gone hysterical, screaming and crying before me and my men, she acted as she had never seen someone gotten killed before, oh wait she hasn't but there is always a first for something and I'm happy that I could be her first for this.

I'm fucked up I know, but Scarlet, on the other hand, was more fucked up than I was and not only that she was potent as well.

She was a disease to society and to me I was not going to let her cause any more harm towards my Queen, no way was that going to happen.

Just thinking about that little bitch made my blood boil but as I look down at my Brooklyn that anger had slowly gone away.

She is beautiful, I'm so lucky that she had come into my life just at the right time.

Taking one more glance at her I then retreated out of the room to head over towards the group of men who were waiting for me.

Taking one more glance at her I then retreated out of the room to head over towards the group of men who were waiting for me

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As I walked out of the room I closed the door behind me very quietly.

Looking around the airplane I See that everyone was now seated and ready to take off so I walked down the aisle to take my seat where I normally would sit that was by the window in the single white chair.

The river was also sitting in his normal spot that was off in the far corner with his laptop on his lap working away, doing is his work.

That's one thing that I liked about that kid he never talked back and always had done his work never asking questions.

Chase and Jack on the other hand were not like the other men in my gang.

They on the other had liked to push my buttons but it's my fault really for letting them get away with it.

We all have been good friends since we were kids so I think that's why I let them away with a lot.

They were sitting on a three-seater seat with a Brandy drink in their hands talking about women of course.

"I'm telling you I find women not only more submissive who live in Canada but also sexer than any other country," Jack said to Chase trying to make his point across.

"I'll give you the submissive part and there are a lot of beautiful women from the country  but to me, I think European women are the sexiest women in this world."

These two were funny as they chatted along with one another, To me a pussy is a pussy it did not matter what background or colour she was As long as I liked her and found her sexy I didnt give two shits about anything else.

"What about you Stephan?"

Not sure who had asked me that question as I was lost in my thoughts so all I could say was "My Queen is all I need."

I knew I would be safe with that answer and if Brooklyn was overhearing our conversation it also made me safe and not be in the dog house.

"One thing I need to say is this Stephen and that is your pussy whipped. ( everyone started to laugh but me.) Also, I never thought in a million years that the great Mr. McKnight was the settling down type, But when I see you look at Brooklyn I can honestly see the love that you truly have for her." Jack was the one who had said those words to me.

I notice that he also took one last big drink from his now empty cup and placing it down onto a tray so maybe he was a little drunk so that's why he was Brave to say those words to me.

"I'll have to agree with you Jack on this one. The wildebeest inside of that man has been Tamed by the beauty." Said Chase.

As I thought their words over I think that they could be right.

I have noticed the changes within me with her being in my life so I do believe that Brooklyn has changed my wild Beast.......


Short Chapter I know and I am so sorry about that. ❤

Thanks for reading. 🙂


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