Chapter 29

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Stephen POV:

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Stephen POV:

"Alright, it's good to see that everyone has made it in on time (I looked at my watch around my wrist) good your even earlier than our set time. We don't have that much time to get into too many details so eyes on me and ears open. I do NOT want to repeat myself twice." I said looking around the room making sure that eyes were set on me.

As I looked around the table I saw that Brooklyn was on my right-hand side where she belonged to be and to her left side Jack sat a little too close to her for my liking.

Making myself a mental note that I will need to have a little chat with him later about boundaries when it comes to My Brooklyn.

Now I was looking over towards Chase who was sitting to Jack's right his eyes were on me.

Across from the table from Jack, Brooklyn and Chase were River he was my computer genius who can hack into any computer software program on this planet. An amazing kid I must say and I am very lucky to have him working on my team but me being me I would never inform him of that.

Then there was  Scarlet, yes I know what am I  thinking to have her here working on this mission but to be honest she was good at her job.

She has been working for me for the past 3 years finding out information that I could use against other little mafias or gangs.

Scarlett was known for using her body to seduce men. She would give them oral pleasure or other kinda pleasures to find out information that I needed and she never once bailed me.

There was tension in the room, I could feel it and by the looks, on everyone's else faces they could feel it as well.

The two women gave each other a look over but no catfight has broken out yet so let's see how this meeting goes.

Now into the Meeting.

"Before we begin I am going to introduce you to Brooklyn. ( placing my hand over the top of her shoulder as I stand) she has informed me that there is a small town Mafia group in Canada Ontario who is looking for her. Her self and two young children have been in hiding from this Mafia Clan." Before I could continue on I was then interrupted by Scarlett.

"What does this have to do with us if she has a problem with another gang? Let her deal with it."

Scarlet then rolled her eyes and huffed as she crossed her arms.

My anger started to rise inside of me.

Taking my hand off Brooklyn's shoulder I then proceeded to walk over towards Scarlet.

Standing right behind her I placed both my hands onto each of her shoulders and dug my fingers down into her skin deep.

She whimpered as I was hurting her so I said "If you were a smart little girl I would shut the fuck up." I then let go of her shoulders releasing my fingers.

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