Chapter 8 bumping into each other

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I found myself walking down a busy street called Canal St.

People were walking all around me and not at a slow pace I might add.

Some people were walking on the road witch scared me with how fast the cars l were driving by them.

Then there were the ones who did not believe in personal space because they were so close behind me that I felt their foot touching the back of my heel.

I knew at that moment if I would fuck up with my walking in any way, like trip over my foot and land on my ass that these people would trample all over my body and I would be a goner.

I hope that I am not sounding like a Debbie Downer right now because, to be honest, I am having fun.

This to me is exciting, I have never seen this many people in my entire life.

I'm a small-town kinda girl who came from a place that had only 8,000 people in its town and now look at me I'm in New York City with over 8.399 million people living here.

Holly Shit 🙂

I looked up and down the street as I walked and looked at all the buildings before me.

"It's amazing," I said out loud.

Some people laughed at me and others said" I can see that you're not from around here."

I smiled and nodded my head and just kept on walking.

I had a list of things that I needed to do today before the girls would get home from school, I needed to buy some groceries and also some paint.

I thought that I would change the apparent decor a little by painting it and also buying a few things to make it look more homer for us.

As I kept walking a group of women who were in front of me were whispering to one another about a guy who was coming their way.

"He is so hot my God I would love to enjoy his body for a night." One girl with blonde hair said.

"Girl normally I would not take any man from you but that one there I would give you a fight." The other girl with red hair said that was beside the blonde hair girl.

Now I was curious who they were talking about so I moved up and over to the side of them so now it looked like we were all walking together and I looked straight and where they were looking and before I was a God...

Now I was curious who they were talking about so I moved up and over to the side of them so now it looked like we were all walking together and I looked straight and where they were looking and before I was a God

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I hope you are liking my story so far, please

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