Chapter 28 Broken 💗

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My heart was breaking right at this moment as I watch Chloe and Carly being torn away from me

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My heart was breaking right at this moment as I watch Chloe and Carly being torn away from me.

"Nooooooooo doesn't take us away please we will be good." Carly cried as she held desperately onto my arm with all the strength that she had.

I didn't want to let them go but I had no choice.

Tears were flowing down my cheeks, it was so hard when I had to make the decision to let them go.

It's been a week since Stephen and his men had taken the girls and I to their safe house.

Stephen had convinced me that it would be better for the girls and myself to send them away to an all-girls boarding school where they would live so that their father and brother wouldn't be able to find them.

He explained that we were going into battle with another Mafia group and I need to Focus on the Target and not be distracted and worried about Carly and Chloe, even though the other Mafia group is small there was still a chance that something could go wrong.

I had no clue how long it would be until we would see each other again but he promised me that he would keep them safe and return them to back me when everything was done.

I had no choice but to trust him.

So now my heart is breaking into little tiny pieces because I had to let them go.

I bent down onto my knees so that I would be face to face with the girls to explain to them why they had to go.

"Listen girls I need you to trust me on this and not fight me on it. This hurts me as much as it hurts you but I have to send you away to keep you safe and I promise you that I will be seeing you again but please just do this for a favour for me." I begged them to understand and to not make this even harder than what it was already for me.

Both girls just looked at me in the face with their teary eyes and runny noses.

Their suitcases were already packed, I had made sure that they would have everything that they would need and some extra stuff as well. Those bags were inside the trunk of the car.

Jack was going to take them to the private school for me.

All that I knew about the school was that it was in another country.

Stephen thought it would be best if I didn't know where the location of the school was in case I would be taken captive and interrogated.

Jack promised me that he would take care of them and I trust him.

Giving them both one last hug and kiss on top of their heads, they then soon after walked out of the door to the outside with sad eyes.

I ran over towards the window and watched them as they walked down the walking path and over to the town car where Jack was standing with the car door wide open for them to get into the backseat.

As they got into the car I placed my hand onto the window and just cried my eyes out.

I felt Stephen's presents behind me, I didn't turn to face him I just watched the car drive off with my baby's inside of it.

They might not be my blood but to me, they are my children.

He wrapped his arms around me from behind so that my back was pressed against his front.

In a low whisper, he then said into my ear, "You had made the right choice Brooklyn, you will see them again don't you worry I'll keep you and them safe."

That in some way angered me by him calling me Brooklyn and not by my real name.

I have kept on correcting him this past week over and over every time he would call me by that name and not my real name.

He would just ignore me or just walk out of whatever room we were in so that he wouldn't have to deal with whatever I had to say which pissed me off.

Pulling myself away from him I wipe my tears on the back of my hand and looked right into his eyes with my anger eyes.

"Why do you keep on calling me Brooklyn? I have told you over and over that my name is Stacy why can't you acknowledge that In your thick head of yours."

He then grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him, I stumbled a little.

"To me your Brooklyn NOT Stacy no matter what your past life was it's gone now. When you walked into my life as Brooklyn that's who you had become. You have a new life with me now and once I get rid of your ex and his father and show them who the real Mafia King is, you and I will go on with our lives as Mr. And Mrs. McKnight."

Looking up into his eyes I found myself amazed at how this man just thinks whatever he says just goes without thinking what the other person wants.

"Who says I'll marry you?"

"That night when I planted my seed into your wet pussy you became MINE, I claimed you. I have never had sex with any other woman without a condom, so that makes You MY WOMAN. Remember this because I'll only say this once to you. I'll be the last man who will ever touch you and please you with all your needs, I'm all you will ever need, you will not only be my woman you will also be the only woman who will carry my children inside of them. You're MY QUEEN and once we are married you will be none as the Mafia Queen." He then crashed his lips upon mine holding my body close to his and I just found myself giving in to him and the kiss.............



Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Thanks for reading 🙂❤

Question do you think you yourself could handle/deal with a man like Stephen?

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