Chapter 19 ✔

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I'm back at the office sitting in my desk chair still thinking over what had happened at lunch.

I found myself having a hard time concentrating on my work with flashbacks popping back and forth in my head.


Nick was sitting in front of me as for Stephen who had invited himself to our table was sitting right close beside me.

He was so close that I could smell his body wash mixed with his cologne radiating off of him.

God, he smelt really good.

At this point, I had moved my hand from Nick's hand and it felt very awkward for me as I look at both men who are having a staring competition with one another.

Clearly, you can tell that they are not fond of one another, even the strangers around us noticed and they whisper to one another as they point at our table.

Some even said, "What is Mr, McKnight doing in a place like this, We have never seen him in here before."

I even saw some of the waitresses behind the counter pulling down their tops a little and hiking up their skirts to look sexy in front of this man.

Rolling my eyes and saying to myself that I wasn't
surprised that they were trying to show off their bodies hoping that he would look their way but he was more preoccupied having a staring contest with the man before him.

" You look familiar to me have we met before?"
Stephen said with his eyes squinted as he stared at Nick.

" I doubt that we have met before but if we have then I should be questioning what type of man you are to be around our dear Brooklyn."

Alright, I needed to stop these two before anything would happen with the way this conversation was going between them.

"So what brings you around to this fine place boss?"

Nick and Stephen both looked around the dinner with a look on their faces of are you really calling this dump a fine place with its ripped cushions on the chairs, dirty tables and thick dust on the wall panels.

"Brooklyn where not in the office hun there is no need for you to call me boss so please just call me Stephen."

Stephen to my surprise placed his hand on top of my upper thigh under the table which nobody could see.

Shocked would be an understatement because he has never done a thing like this before.

I placed my hand over his to try and move his hand but he only squeezes his harder and wouldn't let go so instead of making a scene I just left it alone and continue talking.

"So umm (trying to clear my head to place words out of my mouth) Like I said before what are you doing here Stephen?"

I knew that a man like him would never step foot in a place like this that's why I stated before in a fine place like this because this place was a dump.

"I was in the neighbourhood and thought to grab something to eat before I head back to the office."

"Oh, yea what were you doing?" Nick questions him with one raised eyebrow.

"I had a meeting with a client who just drained me out so I needed to get some energy back into me so I thought to come here to eat."

Stephen had a big smile on his face as he answered Nick's question.

"I didnt know you had a meeting set up for this morning? I'm surprised you didnt have me there with you jotting some notes down like you normally do when you in a meeting. I didn't see it written down on your agenda for today."

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