Chapter 30 🤨 😧 😡😥

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Brooklyn POV:

As I laid my eyes upon the new woman in Brian's life my heart just sank

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As I laid my eyes upon the new woman in Brian's life my heart just sank.

"Wow, he has found himself a sexy cougar." Jack jokingly said right beside me as he laughed out loud.

"Boss, can I have a go at her once everything is said and done for?"

This time it was Chase who had spoken with his eyes glued onto the screen with a big grin on his face.

Moving my head back towards the tv screen I looked once again at the picture before me with a sad feeling inside of me, I felt so betrayed by this woman.

Lost in my own thoughts not hearing the voices talk among themselves, Stephen had placed his hand upon my leg that was under the table.
I hadn't even noticed that he had sat down beside me, his eyes looked into my eyes trying to figure out what I was thinking and feeling.

"Are you alright?" He asked rubbing my leg.

Shaking my head back and forth to say no.

"I thought you two had broken up and that you didn't care for him any longer? And that you moved on with Boss? " Chase asked crossing his arms over his chest looking pissed.

I understood that he was only looking out for his friend so I wasn't going to take it to heart for the way he is acting towards me.

As I looked around the room I saw everyone's eyes upon me.

Scarlet had a sinister smirk on her face looking please that I was upset. God knows what skimming ideas were playing around in her mind at this moment, She was clearly the devil's daughter that's for sure.

"No one needs to worry about my feelings towards Brian because they have been long gone a long time ago. Me being upset has nothing to do with him."

I then looked down at my hands.

"Well, your acting like your upset and jealous that he has found someone else who I might add looks way better than you," Scarlett said clicking her tongue with a smile on her face.

"SCARLETT" Stephen screamed out at her.

I was still looking down at my hands when I had said in a low voice, "I'm not jealous, I'm just not happy with all the women in this world for him to date why did it have to be this one?"

"Why do you say that Brooklyn do you know her?" Jack asked.

Taking a deep breath in and exhaling out.

I Looked up to face everyone, "She's my mother."

Once those words had come out of my mouth everyone's eyes went wide in Surprise but for Stephen, he didn't look surprised at all.

I'm guessing maybe he already knew who she was.

We are talking about a man who has eyes and ears everywhere around this world.

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