Chapter 25 Day off of school

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Brooklyn POV:

"Alright, girls were going to have a fun-filled day just the three of us," I said as I clapped my hands together to get their attention.

Once again they were fighting over something that was really petty I had thought.

Abby had taken the last piece of toast that Aaliyah had wanted meanwhile Aaliyah had already had four pieces as for Abby she has had only two slices of toast.

"Can you please stop fighting with one another, I thought to have a nice day out just the three of us, so I'm begging you to not fight with one another let's just have a fun day today ok? I pleaded with both of them.

It's Monday morning and normally I would be getting myself ready for work but unfortunately, things have changed. (rolling my eyes)

So I had decided to also keep the girls home with me so that they could be a good distraction from how messed up my life has become since Stephen McKnight had come into my life.

A big part of me misses him witch is weird because we're not even dating but not being able to see him every day like I am used to doing I'm finding it really hard, I miss the guy.

I'm still in my housecoat wearing my fuzzy slippers at the kitchen table looking at my cell phone as I drink my coffee to see what the weather is going to be like for the day as the girls scream and fight with one another. 

They have been doing this a lot recently, I'll have to ask them why when we all go out for our girl's day just to see if I can mend things between them.

If I can't get them to stop this fighting I'll be ripping out my hair because they're driving me nuts.

"Hmmm ok, it says that a big storm is heading our way this afternoon so you both will need to make sure that you bring your umbrellas with you."

"This sucks. Of all days that you let us stay home from school it has to be on a rainy day, why couldn't you pick a sunny day?" Aaliyah says crossing her arms as she huffs in anger.

"Hey it's not my fault that the weather is going to be like this and watch what you say to me, don't be rude."

I don't know if she is acting this way because we all have been confined in a small living space for the last few months or it could be from her new friends that she has made at school who act like this with their parents but what I do know is that this attitude is not going to fly with me.

"Look I thought to be nice and let you guys skip school. I bet not a lot of your friend's parents would even do that am I right?" I waited for their reactions.

"Ya, your right." They both say at the same time as they look down feeling guilty with themselves for how they have been acting towards me.

"Ok then so stop with the fighting and attitudes and let's have fun but first things first I need to go and take a shower so you girls go and get yourself ready. It's almost 10:00 AM and I want to be out of here by 10:30 AM."

Standing up from my chair  I push it in, as I walk over towards the sink to start washing the dishes that were in there from breakfast, I finished up cleaning then headed towards my bedroom.

Looking through my closet to pick out what I was going to wear for that day I had chosen something I thought was cute.

Stripping down to nothing I wrap my towel around my body

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Stripping down to nothing I wrap my towel around my body.

As I entered the bathroom I dropped my towel onto the floor, pulling back the shower curtain I step into the bathtub then close the curtain.

Turning the shower knobs the water started to come out, I started to set the temperature just the way I like it not too cold, not too hot just medium.

I have always been one of those people who loved to sing in the shower.
So normally I just sing to whatever song comes to mind.

"Ooh boy, I love you so, never ever ever gonna let you go.
Once I get my hands on you."

What the hell? I say to myself, of all the songs out there I have to sing that one. (Shaking my head) ok, focus on a different song I say to myself.

No, I can't forget this evening or your face as you were leaving
But I guess that's just the way the story goes
You always smile, but in your eyes
Your sorrow shows
Yes, it shows

No, I can't forget tomorrow
When I think of all my sorrow
When I had you there but then I let you go
And now it's only fair that I should let you know
What you should know

I can't live
If living is without you
I can't live
I can't give anymore
I can't live
If living is without you
I can't give
I can't give anymore

Well, I can't forget this evening or your face as you were leaving
But I guess that's just the way the story goes
You always smile, but in…"

That's it I'm done I need to get out of this shower or I'm just going to start to cry while I'm in here.

I'm so fucking messed up in the head right now.

What is wrong with me?

I wasn't even like this with Brian and I dated him for years and this one guy Stephen McKnight comes walking into my life or more like bumping into me and gives me really amazing sex and I'm now going crazy?????

Rinsing my body off with the water to get all the soap that was slathered onto me.

I then booked it out of that shower as fast as I could turning the water off and drying my body off with the towel.

I was so fast that I had already changed into my clothing.

Looking into the mirror I see that my eyes looked tired so I brushed my teeth then my hair and only put the normal makeup on cover-up, Foundation, mascara and lip gloss.

Heading out of the bathroom I call out to Aaliyah and Abby.

"Girls I'm ready."

No one answered.

Alright, then they must be still getting ready.

Not paying too much attention as I'm walking towards the living room I'm going through my purse to make sure that I had cash in my wallet and also my cell phone.

"Girls," I called out once again.

Looking around the living room I saw that it was empty hmmm they must be in their rooms still. ( shrugging my shoulders)

I started to head over towards their bedroom.

As I reached their door that was normally open but at this moment it was closed I knocked on the door in case they were dressing.

"Are you two getting ready?' I asked still waiting at the door for them to answer.

Not a word was said.

"Alright, then Im coming in."
I opened the door.

Right there and then my heart just dropped.......



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