Memories flash, breaking through the barrior of one of their 'experimental' times together of Matthew pouring chocolate sauce on a naked Feather and licking up every drop off her body. Sure, they were drunk, but there was not one regret of that night. They haven't done it since but it was no secret the thought was in play for the both of them.

She can't help but giggle, "Yes, yes it could."


As she gets closer to the car her smile fades when she sees he's not there, or anywhere for that matter.

"Matthew?" She calls for him - nothing.

It's not like she could let herself in the car to wait for him, it was locked and he had the keys. And besides Feather, the car was his baby.

"Give me all your money!" She suddenly hears a voice behind her, hands grabbing her. Nearly jumping out of her skin from the surprise of it all she drops her bags, raising her arms in defense and spins around ready to go, only to realize it's him.

"You're an ass." She glares, putting her arms back down and releasing her clenched fists from his shirt.

Matthew frowns, "How unfortunate." he replies, pinching both sides of his shirt and lifting it up, looking down at the newly made holes in it that she unknowingly struck.

Her eyes follow and she bites her lip nervously when she sees her own doing.

"Well that's not a problem." She smirks, gripping both sides of his shirt and ripping it open, buttons flying every which way. "There, solved." She continues, panning up and down his body.

"Well if that's not a problem," He raises his eyebrows, seductively trailing his fingers up to the crook of her cleveage friendly t-shirt and ripping it open, "Then I guess that isn't either." He teases.

The purple lace of her bra peaking out of her half torn shirt.

The sunlight dimmering down now as afternoon fades into evening, the parking lot empty aside from one or two cars parked ways away from them.

Feather still wasn't over their earlier rendevue, and if it was any indication neither was Matthew.

The fire inside her sending shockwaves all throughout her body, burning, needing, longing for his touch, she just couldn't get enough.

Distractions getting the best of her she quickly found herself backed up and pinned against the car with nowhere to go. Not that she would.

Inspecting the parking lot for any wandering eyes, confirming they were safe.

Almost everyone had left.

Her shallow breaths magnify. His lips on her neck drive her to new high.

The darkness settling in on them, as if they're hidden under the moonlight, invisible.

He stops, unlocking the doors of the camaro and ripping the rest of her shirt off, pulling her into him with a hard kiss before they climb into the backseat.

Closing the door behind them, they hopped into the back of the camaro. Not giving Matthew any time to even properly get comfortable, she grabs the open collar of his shirt and pulls him down next to her, reaching one leg over him and pulling herself on top of him, settling into his lap.

"Much better." She heaves a breathy sigh.

Matthew smirks, the sound just barely reaches him with how low it is but her voice alone was clue enough that she wasn't playing any games.

Her hands still fixed on his shirt, she pushes it off his shoulders and tosses it in the front seat, grazing her hands down his half naked body and unbuckling his belt as their lips meet again.

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