Chapter 21

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It was all really starting to push Patricia off the wall. She was really pissed at Feather now. The girl just seemed to know how to take everything from Patricia whether of not it was on purpose or not. Patricia used to be the star of The House, the "sex goddess" of the business. But when little miss "innocently promiscuous" came to the house, adopted by the other girls, she was shunned. She was thankful that the master still kept his attention on her. He was the only one left who gave her importance. But the fact that Feather was able to get his attention as well meant war for Patricia. Feather kept taking things from her, now... it was her turn to loose some.

Matthew took off his aviators the moment he stepped into THE RED HOUSE. The cold sting of the air-conditioning hit his skin like a refresher from the deserts of Nevada. He nodded at Patricia, standing behind the front desk with her usual sensual clothes, and went on his way, straight to his usual room with Feather.
"Matthew?" Patricia called, before Matthew could move on.
"Yeah?" he turned around.
He didn't really want to talk to her, considering what happened between them a few weeks, ago.
She walked around the counter, keeping her eyes glued on him.
"I wanted to apologize for what happened between us." She said. "I hope I didn't cause you and Feather much trouble. I mean, I knew you two were already in one before I came."
Matthew dug his hands into his jean pockets. He was impressed by her sudden attitude.
"Oh, it's okay. It's all fine now."
She nodded. "Whatever, I'm still sorry."
He nodded.
"Can I walk you to your room?" she offered.
"Uhh..." he reached for the back of his neck as he gave a double take to the direction of the stairs.
"I promise nothing funny." She smiled.
He sighed, "Okay..." he shrugged.

When they came to the room, Matthew found Feather wasn't there yet.
"Should I call her?" Patricia offered.
"No, it's fine." He assured. He sat himself on the bed with a plop.
Patricia scratched the back of her head. "Won't you be bored?"
He shook his head, "Nope... I don't think so."
She flipped her hair with such sass. "Fine, I'll stay with you then."
Before Matthew could object, Patricia had already thrown herself to the space beside Matthew on the bed.

They sat on the edge of the bed in awkward silence. Matthew clapped his hands lamely and Patricia bit her lips, looking around as if this was the first time she's been in the room.
Before even a minutes notice, in a fast move, Patricia was able to grab both Matthews' hands and place his palms on top of her breasts, cupping them. She gave out a pleasured sigh as she kept his hands glued on her chest.
"You like what you're holding?"
"Patricia, please! I thought you-" he tried his best to tear his hands away from her bulging mounds, that he has to admit, were smaller than Feather's.
"Let me go!" he ordered when he realized Patricia's grip was too strong for him to move away from without hurting the girl.
"You know, the way you try to resist, it feels like you're caressing them." She smirked.
"Patricia!" he snapped.
"I know how much you adore Feather's breasts, Matthew." She moaned, "why not adore mine? They're better than Feathers."
Finally, Matthew was able to get his hands off of him. He stood up and took steps away.
"What the hell are you doing, Patricia? I thought you were sorry."
She stood from the bed and walked towards him. Matthew took steps away from her.
"Yes, I am sorry." She wrapped her arms around Matthew's neck. "I'm sorry we haven't fucked yet."
She leaned in to kiss Matthew, but he dodged away. He tore her hold from his neck and moved far.
"Will you cut it out!" he yelled.
"No!" she quipped. "Don't you understand? I want you, Matthew."

"Then get your own!" someone yelled from the door.
Matthew and Patricia looked up and saw Feather standing under the door frame.



I'm not very sure if anyone really reads this story. Does anyone? If not I'll probably delete it or put it on hold. I'm not sure if anyone likes it honestly.

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