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       Once the nuns were within earshot he called out to them. "Peace sisters." They both turned towards him and made their way to him with smiles on their faces. Once they had gotten to his front he smiled at them. "Good day sisters. I am Mr Castle, an archaeologist, I and my family are in this area searching for buildings that has a lot of histories and we came about this church."

      "An Archaeologist?" One of the sisters who seemed to be more outspoken asked.

       "Yes, these are my families, my wife, Mrs Castle," he said pulling Chloe closer to himself. "And my sister, Nora." He pointed to Nora beside him as he said this.
      "And they are?" The second sister asked looking at the two brothers warily. He wouldn't blame her, they had this look of dominance.

      "They are our bodyguards, you see we are a very influential family and my families safety is paramount to me, so I travel with bodyguards." The sisters seemed to agree with him as they started nodding their head. "So I and my wife found out that this church has being here for quite sometime, I think it has been about..." He trailed off wishing the sisters would take the bait, he turned to look at Chloe making it seem like he was searching for answers.

      "Forty five years sir," the first sister chipped in. He breathed a sign of relief, he was glad the sister took the bait.

      "Oh yes forty five years, don't mind me I tend to forget things. That is why I have my wife with me, she is the one who keeps tracks of things, I'm mostly particular about the buildings." He smiled at them as he said this. "We are here trying to see if there is something special about this church, like some outstanding features that it has that no other church in New York does."

   The sisters looked a little bit lost, the first sister looked like she was thinking deeply about it but the second one looked totally uninterested. "Its just that we have been going around different countries trying to gather some info, we all just got back from Spain two days ago." He was lying in a church, but it was for a just cause, so God would have to overlook this.

      "There is one thing though, that this church has that isn't in any other churches, and not just in New York but all over the world. The only churches that had this features have been long gone." The first sister said with a smile.

     "What is that feature sister?" Davis asked quite eagerly.

      "Its a room, yes a room, there is a room known as the 'room of..." The sister looked like she had forgotten and looked to the other uninterested one for help.

     "Penitent, 'room of Penitent,'" the other sister provided.

    "And what is this room used for?" Davis  asked.

     "It was a room used by priests alone, a priest who felt that he had too much sin would lock himself up in the room until God calls him back." The second sister explained calmly.

     "One defining feature of the room is that it can only be opened from within if its locked from within, and it can only also be opened from outside if its locked from outside. This was a way to prevent the other priest from coming to check in on them out of pity. The priest of the early churches were very keen on sin, and would not eat nor take water while in the room. And the room is soundproof." The first outspoken sister explained.

   Davis found the act a little disturbing, why would one subject himself to such a cruel thing, "what if a priest dies in the room?"

     "That has only ever happened once and it was a very long time ago in Rome I think, but any priest who dies there wouldn't be able to be brought out unless the whole church is demolished. That is one reason the act was stopped." They all gasped as the second sister said this. Davis looked to the rest and knew what was going on in their minds.

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