Chapter 49: Lyrical

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"I know I have no right to meddle in your relationship but maybe you should talk to him properly. If you're angry then let it out, if you're sad, let him know but either way, talk." Yoongi says.

"I don't know what happened, why Taehyung isn't it the office anymore but I know there is something that needs not be there between you two." The older alpha says.

"You both are mates and not in some new steps of relationship where you hesitate to talk in fear of something bad to happen. You gotta talk because that's how you'll know what's wrong." Yoongi says.

"To keep it going or to end it, you have to communicate. Everyone in a relationship." Yoongi says and Jeongguk sighs.

"I'm not ending it, never. He's my mate." Jeongguk says and Yoongi smiles.

"I hope I  hear these words with a lot more enthusiasm and not a 'sigh' in them next time." Yoongi says and Jeongguk feels a lump in his throat.

His words may came out like this but in his heart, they are are confident and he's proud to have Taehyung as his mate, as his love.

But suddenly Jeongguk feels a sharp pain in his chest, in his heart. He was already feeling a little gloomy but the pain just knocked him breathless for a moment. He clutches his jacket over his chest.

"Jeongguk? Are you okay?" Yoongi asks worriedly when he hears a gasp.


Jeonggukie. Jeongguk's eyes widen at the call of his name, desperate and helpless.

"Taehyung---he's in danger." Jeongguk utters, his heart aching as he could feel his mate's pain.

Yoongi was perplexed, not knowing what actually happened but he hopes everything is okay and Taehyung is not in great danger but Jeongguk was in pain so that means it's not good.

Jeongguk speeds towards the coffee shop, thankful that he didn't take the turn towards Yoongi's building just yet. His heart was hurting, thudding violently and tears forming in his eyes.

As close as he gets to the shop,  the desperation, pain and anger increase. Jeongguk parks the car, rushing out and Yoongi following him as they reach the street.

And when Jeongguk sees the two alphas touching his mate---

My mate! My Taehyung!

---he loses his mind.

"Hands off of my mate!" Jeongguk roars when he slams open the door, the glass breaking, his eyes livid and red.

"There comes the hero." One alpha chuckles but Jeongguk was in not mood to fucking talk. He was here to destroy.

In no minute, he's grabbing the alpha and taking long strides towards the larger tables, slams him on it, the other's back hitting the edge with an audible crack.

"How fucking dare you touch my mate! How dare you!" Jeongguk yells as he throws punch after punch on the alpha's face.

The other manages to hit him on his leg, monetarily free as he punches Jeongguk's jaw who feels more rage than ever. He tackles him again, this time, grabbing his hair and slamming his head on the table.

"You'll regret even thinking about it." Jeongguk growls.

Taehyung was watching Jeongguk and Yoongi fighting with the two alphas in terror. He moves back and sits on the floor, closes his eyes and puts his hands on his ears. He can't afford anymore stress or a panic attack.

On the other hand, the second alpha manages to push Yoongi away, making him stumble and fall on the table but Yoongi smirks and takes advantage of it.

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