Chapter 43: Spectrum

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Sorry for the mistakes plz :) ignore

Third Person POV

Seokjin had stayed with Jeongguk until the alpha calmed down. He wipes away his tears, feeling stupid to cry over something that wasn't his fault. But then he thinks that what if it really was his fault.

Should he have listened to Taehyung from the very start and stayed away. But he wasn't alone, Taehyung's words were saying to stay away but his heart wanted to be close to the alpha and it was clear. That is why Taehyung couldn't resist either.

But now he had so easily said that he's leaving. He didn't even give him any time to say, to make him stop. And that's what he thinks that it's his fault because maybe he couldn't give Taehyung enough reasons to stay.

But no, Taehyung said it's not true and not even Jeongguk's heart believes it. He gave his all on this relationship, he hopes he did. But nothing matters anymore, he left.

Did Taehyung not believe in their love? Was Jeongguk not worth fighting for? Was their love not worth staying?

All and many thoughts ran in Jeongguk's mind but he only came back to one bitter and agonizing conclusion, he left. The omega didn't think about their bond, their happiness, their promises—nothing!

Jeongguk pushes Seokjin's hand away softly, looks away from him. "I'm okay now. You can go."

"Jeongguk?" Seokjin utters but the alpha shakes his head.

"I don't want you to make me understand anything. You don't have to come up with anything to justify---".

"I'm not going to justify what he did and anything good. Its was wrong. He could've---he could've taken a break maybe but not leave." Seokjin says.

"You don't sound so sure about that." Jeongguk scoffs. "It's as if you're saying what he did was right."

Jeongguk wanted to be alone and the same time not. He wanted to scream and break everything he lays his hands on but also wanted to cover himself with a comforter and sleep.

He wanted to run after Taehyung but a bigger part of him, surprisingly wanted to let the other do whatever he wants. It's his life and he can do as he desires. Jeongguk is no one to meddle in it.

"I'm not gonna say that and nor make you believe it." Seokjin says. The older omega grabs the stool and drags it next to Jeongguk's seat, holds his hands as he sits but the alpha still doesn't look at him.

"I'm just going to say—or more like explain it to you by saying one thing." Seokjin utters and Jeongguk doesn't knows if he wants to listen.

"Just to tell you, now that I can't have children—Joonie and I were sad but he said he wants to be with me and we can adopt but I know better, he's still sad even though he doesn't show." Seokjin says.

Jeongguk frowns, doesn't know why the omega is telling him this.

"But I don't want to see sadness flash in his eyes whenever we'll walk infront of a children store or see them playing on the park. I don't want him to be hurt just because I can't give him this happiness when I know how much he adores and loves children." Seokjin utters, a sad smile on his face.

"What do you mean hyung?" Jeongguk frowns as he looks at him.

"It means I'll walk away. Away from his life and he can find an omega who can give him children so he can be happy. That's what I think even though we can adopt. If I become stubborn, I'll do that. I'll walk away from him life and nothing would stop me." Seokjin says.

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