Chapter 48: Grasp

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Pic cred to rightful owner

Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Jeongguk goes to US after 6 hours just as he told Taehyung. With him, Yoongi, Hoseok, Joshua and Namjoon go too. It's a three days trip, four including traveling, two meetings in total. It leaves Seokjin in charge and quite busy.

On the other hand, Jimin deals with Taehyung's constantly changing moods. One minute he's jolly and the other, he's angry. He broke the mug, throwing it off the counter just because it overflowed.

Then, Taehyung danced for three hours as him and Jimin blasted song in his apartment and after that, they decided to watch a movie and all the happiness in dance vanished as Taehyung kept crying at Mufasa's death even after the movie was over.

"Replay it." Taehyung says for the third time and Jimin has no other choice but to do as told. He replays it again and the apartment fills with Taehyung's sobs again.

"Tae, you're going to tire yourself like this. Please stop crying." Jimin says and Taehyung wipes his tears only for more to to flow.

"How can they be---so cruel. How can they kill him!?" Taehyung whines and Jimin sighs.

"It's just a character, Tae. Come on get up---".

"Just a character?! It's our feelings too! The emotional attachment and---". Taehyung exclaims.

"Okay, okay I get you but it's late now. You need to have a good night's sleep." Jimin says and Taehyung takes a deep breath, pouts while there are tears in his cheeks.

"Okay but promise my you'll make japchae tomorrow." Taehyung utters and Jimin nods.

"I promise." Jimin says and the two get up. Taehyung looks at the screen again where the movie is paused, he tears up again.

"He was so wise and so cute too." Taehyung mumbles as Jimin covers him with a comforter.

"Go to sleep, Tae." Jimin smiles.

"You know, Chim, the soap smells so good in the bathroom." Taehyung says and Jimin frowns.

"I wanna eat it." Taehyung says and Jimin's eyes widen.

"Tae, tell me you didn't eat it!" Jimin panics.

"I didn't but I really fell like eating it." Taehyung says and Jimin takes a deep breath.

"Don't do anything like that. It's dangerous." Jimin says and Taehyung nods. The omega slowly drifts to sleep and Jimin rushes inside the bathroom to hide every soap, shampoo, detergent or anything like that. 

He's staying the night so if Taehyung needs it, he'll give them to him but he needs to be precious because Taehyung can do anything like this anytime.

The next day, Taehyung threw a tantrum because of Jimin hiding all the things but the other just listened till he was done and gave them the essential ones to shower and clean.

Taehyung was eating the strawberry syrup spoon by spoon while Jimin made breakfast. He kept stopping Taehyung because too much sweetness isn't good either. They eat breakfast and Jimin was thankful that Taehyung didn't do anything.

By the time they decided to make japchae hours later, Seokjin joined them as well and the older omega took it upon himself to cook. He kept Taehyung busy with himself to cut vegetables so he won't get those mood swings.

It had been a month since Taehyung was pregnant but they found out just a few days ago when be threw up. Taehyung was too caught up in that Yongsu drama to realize anything, not even Jeongguk got the change of scent, they all thinking it was because of the tension and stress. It usually happens and the scents change according to feelings for long time.

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