Wild Animals

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Leafy sat and stared at the carpet, she could only hear ringing and muffled voices.

Her wounds were covered in bandages.

Her vision was strange, it seemed like half the world was cut off forever.

Or as if there were a void that took away anything that was to the left of her.

When she tried cutting the red part earlier, she ended up cutting off the area her left eye sat.

Her leaf will grow back but her left eye is gone forever.

"Well it's not my damn fault this happened to her! She was the one who even did it!", the muffled voices were slowly becoming understandable.

"You were the one that pushed her to that point! All of this is your fault! All because you couldn't grow up!", yelled another voice.

Leafy looked up a bit, she was in the living room of the house, everyone was there, but only two of them argued while the others either backed up one of them or tried to get one of them to calm down.

"Couldn't grow up?! Have you seen how she's like???", Firey exclaimed, his fire was becoming more aggressive as he yelled at Coiny.

"She apologized to you! She changed and is still changing and you won't even give her the light of day you douche!", Coiny yelled "She's an insane bitch! She's been showing signs of wanting to kill me, she put a damn kitchen knife into the table! She ripped up a photo of us and she only ripped where I was in the photo! She's out to fucking kill me!", Firey yelled.

"Hey don't go blaming her for things you don't know if she was even part of! Anyone could've ripped up that photo!", Pin jumped into the argument "Who else would?? Obviously it was the one who has a fucking knife in her room!", Firey continued.

"Why are you like this?! You need to give her a chance, acknowledge that she is trying her best!", Coiny yelled "Yeah and then watch me get murdered by that worthless bitch!", Firey yelled.

"Stop calling her a bitch and actua-", Pin was cut off by the sudden echo of a slap that went around the room.

Firey stumbled back as he held his face with one of his hands "Did you just slap me?..", he questioned Coiny.

Coiny breathed heavily with tears forming in his eyes, he had an angry expression "Quit calling her names.", Coiny said in a stern voice.

Firey stayed silent for a bit.

"So now I can't even speak my mind. I see. Defending the rat that ruined everything.", Firey said.

They continued arguing.

So much arguing.

Leafy looked back down at the carpet, she seemed overwhelmed by the arguing.

They both continued.

Needle stood up "Can you both just calm dow-"SHUT UP", Needle was caught off by someone yelling.

Everyone went quiet.

They all looked at Leafy who was standing, her hands were trembling and she was breathing quite heavily as she looked at all of them with an angry expression on her face.

"Just stop arguing, Coiny, this isn't Firey's fault, I didn't do this because of him, and Firey, you... I'm sorry.", Leafy's voice went from angry to saddened throughout what she said.

"No one wants me anywhere, and I do understand why, so I'm going to do you all a favor and leave, I'll go live like the monster I am, where no one will be bothered by me again.", Leafy said, tears started to form in her eye.

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