Sleep tight

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It was dark out.

To many it seemed like the day passed by like nothing.

Pin was by herself in the living room, everyone else was either asleep or barely awake.

Either way everyone was in their own room, except for Pin of course.

She sat at the couch, she seemed to be thinking.

She soon sighed and stood up to pick up some plates and cups.

She took them to the kitchen and placed them in the kitchen sink.

Someone started walking down the hallway.

Pin walked out of the kitchen to see who was there.

Clock slowly walked down the hall.

He seemed tired, he sat on the couch.

Pin seemed confused, "Why are you still up?" Clock asked.

Pin flinched, she hasn't heard his voice in a few days.

It was silent for a bit, Clock turned to Pin "Well?" he said.

Pin shook her head, "I'm just putting stuff away. Why are you still up?" she asked.

Clock looked away, "Don't wanna sleep." he said.

"But you look tired, have you even been sleeping at all?" Pin asked.

"Not for the past few days." Clock said.

"Clock, please go sleep, you haven't looked healthy at all ever since you came back." Pin said.

"And why do you even care?" Clock huffed.

"Because I'm your friend." Pin said.

"Well what a friend you are, all of you are terrible friends, you didn't even know I was gone, heck you probably weren't aware I even existed." Clock said.

He stood up.

"You can't suddenly care about me and expect me to feel "better" and apologize for not talking to any of you." Clock said.

"But, I know you just mean well, this doesn't mean I'm going to be friendly with you again, just know, that these bastards might forget you too one day." Clock continued.

He started heading into the hallway.

"Heck they might even live better without you too." Clock said.

For some reason that sentence made tears form in Pin's eyes, but she seemed a bit angry.

"We didn't mean to forget you." Pin said, she realized that didn't sound right.

Clock stopped and turned to her.

"Do you even think before you speak, that literally proved to me that you actually did forget." Clock said.

Pin stayed silent.

Clock only glared at her, "You know nothing, so you can go keep being their slave until they throw you out and act like you never even existed." he said.

He went back to walking towards his room.

Pin wiped away some tears that managed to start falling down her face.

She only watched as Clock got to his room.

She was alone again.

Pen walked on the sidewalk.

It was dark and cold out.

He was sleeping earlier, this caused him to become unable to sleep at night.

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