Cause And Effect

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Pen groaned as he woke up.

He felt a sharp pain on his side, he looked to see a bandage going around him and covering the new wound.

Pen sighed, he was getting tired of these wounds.

He stood up from the bed, he winced a bit when his feet touched the ground.

He stood for a bit before beginning to walk, he walked slowly though.

He went over to a small metal table, it had tools on it, he began to rip off the bandages, except for the new one he just woke up with.

The bandages were stained with his blue blood, but it was darker since it was dried blood at this point.

The wounds were mostly healed, they still let out small droplets of blood a few times, but he was at the point of not caring.

All these nightmares were like chores, he held his head, headaches were nonstop every single time he woke up.

Robot Flower opened the door, "Pen! What are you doing out of your bed?" she asked.

Pen only groaned.

Robot Flower walked over to him and lifted him up, he flinched as she placed him on the bed.

"Look, I get it, I'm a wounded patient, but you don't have to treat me like I'm at my death bed." Pen said angrily, pushing her away a bit.

He stood up once more, wincing again as his feet touched the floor.

"Pen, you aren't doing well, all the wounds you have still need to heal." Robot Flower said.

"They have healed well enough. I stayed in that dumb world longer than usual, shouldn't that be more important than my wounds." Pen said.

Robot Flower let out a robotic sigh, "Fine, go." she said.

Pen seemed confused but soon rolled his eyes as he left the room.

Robot Flower mumbled as she picked up the bandages that were left on the table, she threw them away into a trash can, she then left the room and started heading to the room that now only contained Naily.

She walked in, Naily seemed the same, no new wounds at all.

Robot Flower began to take the sheet off of the bed next to Naily, blood stained every corner of the sheet.

Naily mumbled a bit.

This caught Robot Flower's attention.

She put the bloody sheet on the metal table and walked over to Naily, Naily only continued to mumble and twitch.

Pin sat up on her bed, she stretched and yawned.

She rubbed her eyes and checked the time on an alarm clock on her nightstand.

"Oh, I overslept." she said calmly.


"I OVERSLEPT!" she exclaimed.

She quickly hopped out of bed and ran out the room, she ran down the hallway, but soon slowed down after hearing talking.

Talking was extremely normal in the house, but, the voice she heard wasn't common.

She walked into the living room.

Her eyes widened when she saw Clock sitting at the couch, he chatted with the others, laughing and smiling, as if he did this everyday.

Dream Eater ()BFB Fanfic() [canceled]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat