Talkative Thoughts

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Rain hit the foggy window.

Droplets raced down and glistened from the light the lamp in the room produced.

Golf Ball sat at the edge of the bed, looking down at her leg.

She moved it slightly as it glitched a few times, as well as going into the bed from time to time. She got off of the bed, which creaked when she hopped off. The ghost leg still went through furniture as she walked; however it still worked like any leg would.

The door was left open.

She walked through the entrance quietly. She looked around but there was only darkness that filled the hollow hallway.

Muffled voices soon began chattering. Then it began to get worse and worse as a creature behind her dragged itself out of the ground. It seemed to be the one that she tried testing on before.

Golf Ball held her breath in fear as the creature lowered its wounded face to her side. It breathed loudly and seemed to be struggling with every breath. Her throat tightened from lack of oxygen; she looked at it, but refused to move at all.

It quickly turned its head towards her. Golf Ball gasped and stumbled onto the floor, her breathing was heavy and her ghost leg glitched repeatedly. The creature's head came closer towards her; she trembled, she could feel it breathing into her face. She tried asking something but nothing came out of her mouth. The creature only drew closer and closer to her as she moved back until she hit a wall.

The creature opened its mouth slightly.

"Wake up.", it said in a low voice.

Golf Ball seemed confused but panicked at the same time. "Wake up.", it said quickly before throwing its claws across her face.

Golf Ball gasped and sat up as panicked sweat crawled down her face.

She was sitting in bed, and the room was a blinding white. Everything seemed blurry but she could tell what a few things were. A computer beeped next to her bed, while a thin tube was attached to her, where her missing leg would've been.

She bit down on the handle of the glasses next to her on a small table. On the other side of the door could be heard muffled yelling; Golf Ball stared at the door as she held her glasses in her mouth.

"Well I'm done waiting! Where is she!", said an angered voice. "She's unconscious, please let her rest!", said another voice. Then a thud.

The door handle shook aggressively until the door was swung open. Pencil held tightly to the handle as she looked around the white room; when she saw Golf Ball she seemed to grow even more furious. Golf Ball only looked at her with confusion, "what?", Golf Ball said in a muffled voice. "What?! What do you mean what?! You've been lying to everyone!", Pencil growled.

"Yeah like we need like answers!", Match added as they both walked into the room. Tennis Ball walked into the room panicked, but his expression quickly changed to joy when he saw Golf Ball was awake. "Golf Ball! You're up! I'm so glad you're doing well!", he said as he quickly walked over to her.

"Ahem, we're still waiting for answers.", Pencil said in a stern voice. Tennis Ball furrowed his brows, "You two aren't even supposed to be here. And can't you see she's been recovering just like I've been saying for the past few days.", he said.

"Few days?", Golf Ball questioned as she dropped the glasses. "Yeah, you've been unconscious for a week.", he sighed. She looked at all of them, a bit shocked by that.

A few days? So many wasted days I could've been working on a way to help everyone.

"I-I think I need to rest a bit more.", she said. Tennis Ball slightly nodded, "Wait! Not until YOU tell us what you've been keeping away from people.", Pencil said as she slammed the palms of her hands down onto the bed sheet. "I... would prefer not to answer that.", Golf Ball mumbled. "Why is that? Is it because you've found a cure to all of this and you want to keep it to yourself or do you just not want to admit that even YOU can't solve this problem?", Pencil huffed.

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