a big day ahead...

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Lapis pov

Little Homeworld

Today is the day! Today is the day I tell steven I love him!

"Will looks like someones in a good mood." Bismuth smiles

"What are you so happy about lapis?" Peridot ask

"Because I'm hanging out with steven." "I can finely tell him how much i love him..." i smile at the thought.

"I see you've changed your uniform to a dress I know steven will love it."

Steven pov

I'm getting ready for my hang out with Lapis, im just wereing my normal clohes, nothing to special. As the gems come up.

"Oh how exciting Stevens about to have a new girlfriend!" Pearl says existed,

"Guys stop it." "she's not my girlfriend were just hanging out that's it."

"Huh that's what they all say." Pearl smirks.

Lapis pov

As I'm waiting for steven I remmber how after I was saved from Jasper how me and him flow around the world it was so nice to just have that time with him, then the island where we ment the two lapis's, he has done so much to me. And i am forever greatful for it.

As I see a car pull up as steven gets out of the car

"Hey Lapis ready to..." He just stops and stares at me


"You um you look beautiful." he tells me makeing me blush.

"Hehe thanks steven, so where are we going?"

"Wait you'll see." as we head for the warppad.

When we arrive in shocked to see the blue island where we meet those lapis's as steven heads twords the water and sets down on the beach line even thow there are rocks all around the the beach its steel nice as we look up at the night shy to see all the stars.

"There beautiful.." I say under my breath

As I look at steven and begin to blush but I then realize I forgot something, something impotent.

He then turns to me worried

"Lapis you okay?"

"Yeah.. yeah hey look ive got to go get something okay I'll be right back okay."

"Oh okay..." He says hurt

As I leave

Stevens pov

Why why would she leave me like that is she ditching me? As I begen to feel the pain come back worse!

"Auugh Stop!" As I remmber all the terrible things lapis did to me.

She tried to drown you!

She was ungrateful for the home you gave her!

She abandond you when you needed her!

As I feel my eyes burn pink. Lapis has betrayed you and she must be destroyed!...


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