a family reunion to soon

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Lapis pov

When we make it to the party I see garnet and Greg talking and amythest and pearl laughing about something as bismuth walks up to pearl

Hey pearl she says blushing, its so obvious that she likes her heh it reminds me of how much I care about Steven as I begen to blush at the thought of him, specking of Steven I wonder how he's doing?

"Hey pearl hows steven been doing?"

As she turns to me her smile almost immediately fades as she looks down sad

"I texted steven and let him know but no word back... He has not been answering any of our text."

"That's a bit odd isn't it?" Peridot ask

That dose not sound like Steven. I say beginning to worrie.

As a we all hear a ring on pearls sell phone rings.

"Hello? Yes uh huh What!?" As pearl puts her hand over mouth um okay where on our way now. she barely says as she hangs up

"Pearl?" Greg ask who was that

"St...stevens in the hospital..."

"What!?" We all scream

"Gems move!" Garnet calls as we make our way to Greg's van but I don't I decide to fly instead as we make our way to the hospital, once we arrive we all run inside.

"Where's steven universe!?" Pearl ask the nurse panicked

"Room 309."

As we make our way to Stevens room when I see him I feel my heart if i even have one shatter, I look to see steven laying on a bed with cuts and marks all over him, As the nurse looks up.

"Your family is here she smiles as she walks out."

"Steven!" Greg yells as he go's to hug his son

"Huh hi dad." he says weakly as we all walk into the room i feel my cheeks begen to burn as I just stare at him


"Huh!?" I say finally snapping out of it

"Uh you doing okay?" He ask worried

"Oh um... Yeah I'm fine" I say blushing  embarrassed

"Uh I'm starving the hospital food sucks." he says

"Oh! All go and get you something good to eat okay!" pearl says

"Um okay." As she bismuth and peridot leave.

Stevens pov

I don't understand Im glad there here for me but... I steel feel anger twords them as I look at lapis who is taking to Garnet, when I even thank about her or any of the other gems I feel instance pain and burning in my head as I begen to remember all the pain and lies they told me a part of me thanks they are all traitors to me and to the earth. As I rub my head in anger

"Steven are you okay?" Lapis ask worried

"Huh? Yeah I just..."

"If there's something wrong you can tell me." She says

"Yeah I know Its just a headache." as I look up to see pearl begen to enter.

"Traitor..." I say almost emotionless.

Lapis pov

I waich as steven looks up to pearl bringing his food but then he says something that really makes me worried

"Traitor..." He says coldly and with out any emotion as I put my hand on his shoulder.


Stevens pov

When i look at Pearl at that moment all I see is a liar and a traitor to the earth and me and who should be shattered...

"Steven?" As I'm snapped out of my trance by lapis

"Are you okay?" She ask

"Huh yeah yeah I'm fine." as I rub my eyes. As pearl comes up to me

"Here you go steven." As she hands me my food as I dig in

"Will we better get going." pearl says "it's really late and you need your rest will be back first thing tommrow morning to pick you up okay." as they begin to leave.

"Good night son I love you."

"I love you to dad" I say weakly

But for some reason lapis just stands there.


Lapis pov

Now's my chance to tell him how I feel I can tell him how much i love him...

"Steven there's something I want to tell you."

"Yes lapis?"

"I um I really like...hope we can hang out soon like old times!" I say blushing

"Oh sure he says where beach summer fun buddies."

"Okay..." she says smiling softly leaving the room that was odd I've seen lapis act like this before but not this much could she? Nah no way even thow I do thank she is beautiful and kinda cute... Wait what!? As I lay down i cant help but thank of what happened earlier when I saw pearl... I would never call her a traitor yes she's done some horrible things as my head begins to burn really bad. I begen to thank of a lot of things pearl and the gems but me throw.

Rose being pink diamond...

Spinal trying to kill me

Me shattering Jasper...

My own corruption.

I thank of something ive not thought of sice i was with white diamond to see them all shattered...

Steven universe beach summer fun buddies (lapiven)Where stories live. Discover now