my new life

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Steven pov

It's been mouths since I last saw beach city and in truth things have not been that great... I now live in a small appartment with just me... I have not been answering any of the gems calls,
just connie and I really dont even talk to her no more course she never calls,

It's late out but I can't sleep do to the nightmares I've had since i lift, all I can remember is how I was lied to by the gems, almost killed by Bismuth, abandoned by Lapis, and had my gem removed by White Diamond, why can't i just forgive them. As I look out in to the night, im not going to get any sleep so I mite as will head out and do something as I get dressed and head out the door I know longer where my star shirt or my pink jacket, just jeans and a black shirt as I get and my car and drive as I thank about my life. What is this!? Is this my happy ever after? It can't be! All the gems are happy why am I steel miserable and in pain! As I begen to calim down i hear my phone buss it was pearl texting me as I read it.

"Hey steven we all hope your doing okay we just wanted to let you know that it's garnets wedding anniversary and we hope youll come we all miss you and love you bye!"

Huh yeah sure the one gem who i could call a mother figure did nothing but couse me pain all because of orders from my mom.

I then look at the gas screen to see the tank is low.

"Great." I say sarcastically

As I pull into the gas station I walk in to pay but there's no one here

"Uh Hello anyone?" As I hear screaming

Help! someone help me! As I hear screaming I run into the back to see a man beating on a young woman. cant be I've never seen people do something like this, I have to help her!

I'm gonna injoy this as the man rises his fist only to be hit and knocked out by my shield, as I look at the girl who is hideing her face.

Um miss it's okay your safe now. As she looks up at me and hugs me

"Thank you so much! your my hero!"

"Huh no problem" as I grab the money out to hand her.

"Here its on the house." She smiles

"Oh thanks." I smile back as she calls the cops

After I fill up and hit the road I can't stop thanking of what I just saw, did mom ever even see things like that? As I begen to look back at the road but my eyes are locked on the cars tag in front of me with a big star on it as I begen to feel inteance pain mostly in my head I feel something, something ive not felt in mouths, an auge. As my vision comes back only for me to crash in to a tree and go unconscious.

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