beach summer love forever

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Lapis pov

It took weeks for steven to fully return to normal, now that the tumor is gone he is becoming just like his old self again, but the scar will be there forever.

Everyone has been trying to hang out with him, the gems, the Diamonds everybody.

As I look to peridot comeing over.

"It shore is nice to have steven back."

"Yeah..." I know soon he will have to leave and go back to his appartment. As I look to see steven laughing with Lars and the cool kids as he waves good bye to them with a sad look on his face.

I know he already knows I love him but... Will he share my feelings? As I walk over to him.

Steven pov

I'm sad to see lars, Sadie and my friends leave me again... But I'm not mad at them no more, I also know longer have any anger twords the gems or diamonds, and i need to head back home in the next few hours.


I then turn to see lapis blushing like crazy, huh she's cute when she acts like that.

"Yes lapis?"

"Steven I um... I was wondering if before you go we could um... Finish our hang out that we did not finish?"

She is right, I do oh her another hang out, especially after last time...

"Sure." I smile

"Great! Lets go!" As she grabs my hand and runs with me to the warppad.

Amythest pov

"Go get him tiger." I'm so happy to have steven back, even thow he tried to shatter us, it was out of his control and in truth...

A lot of the things he said about all of us wore true but that's in the past and hopfully steven will have a new girlfriend soon.

Lapis pov

This is it after all that has happened I can finnaly tell him I love him, when we arrive at the island again where we meet the lapis's and were steven almost... No I can't thank about that it's in the past!

As we seat in look at the oacan.


"Yeah lapis?" He ask

"Steven I... I need to tell you something."

"Okay what is it"

"Steven ever since we meet you have been the greatest thing in my life and I know I have not always shown it... But i always feel safe and happy when I'm with you, I...i love you Steven, I love love you..." As I lower my head afread of what he will do, only to fell him hug me tightly.

"Lapis I... I love you to!"

As he leans in and gently kisses my lips leaving me frozen in place

"Steven we... We..."

"Yep and if you want it dose not have to be the last one eather."

At that moment I jump onto him kissing him passionately.

"I love you Steven!"

"Heh I love you to lapis."

"I'm gonna miss haveing around steven."

"Yeah me... Hey wait you gave me an idea!"


"Lapis... Come with me."


"Come be with me at my appartment! I mean I get pretty lonely... And to have you around would be nice."

"What do you say?" He holds out his hand.

Im blushing so badly, I want to go with him but if I do, I wont see peridot or teach my class no more, as I thank.


"Really!?" He ask happy

"Yes!" As I hug him tightly.

Back at the house.

Pearl pov

Steven just texted every one of us and said for us all to meet in the liveing room. Oh thow I thank i know what will happen.

As steven and lapis warp in to the room.

"Everyone we have an announcement to make!" Steven says happly

As lapis specks up.

"Me and steven are officially Daiting!"

As we all clap and cheer for them. As i get up and hug them both.

"I'm so happy for the two of you!"

"And there's one more thing."


"I'm moveing in with steven!" I yell excited as the crystel gems clap

Little Homeworld

Lapis pov

I've already packed everything, as Bismuth and peridot come up to say good bye.

"Will I gess this is good bye." Peridot says tearing up.

"Dont worry guys, me and Steven will be back soon i promise."

"Hey lapis promise me you'll look after and pertect steven?" Bismuth ask

"I will." I tell her smiling.

"Will lapis ready to go?" Steven ask

"Yep lets go!" I say smileing.

As we get into his car and drive. I begen to talk to steven.

Steven pov

"So when is our first date?" She ask teaseing me.

"Will how about tommrow?" I tell her smiling, as she kisses my cheek.

"Sounds lovely."

"You know lapis I thank the adventure has just begun."

Steven universe beach summer fun buddies (lapiven)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя