finding answers.

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Lapis pov

When me and Greg arrive at the hospital we walk inside to look for Miss, Priyanka.

As me and Greg make it to the front desk.

"Um excuse me miss, but is Doctor Priyanka working today it's um an emergency." Greg tells her.

"She is, i will go get her for you so just set where ever you like." As we set down.

I look at Greg and how broken he seems to be, he was so shocked when we told him that steven almost shattered me.

"I'm a terrible father, I should have keeped him with me and actually be there for him!" As Greg wipes his eyes

"Greg it was not your fault was mine..." As tears start forming i abandoned him after he did so many things for me and what did i do in return, fly away because of my fear of the diamonds... But never again, I won't ever leave him ever again.

As greg smiles at me

"You must really care about him then even thow he tried to kill you, it shows just how much he means to you."

As Doctor Priyanka comes in to view.

"Mr, Universe? It's been a while."

"Yeah it has."

"So what do you need to talk to me about?"

As i look to see Greg wipe a tear

"It's about Steven..." I tell her as we seat down i tell her about all that has happened with steven how he keeped going into a trance like state and how he tried to shatter me. And she was shooked.

"Where was my daughter out when all this happend I thought she was dating steven?"

As i look down and tell her the truth.

"They broke up..."

"Oh no, I wonder if that had something to do with it?"

"Actually the reason we're here is because before steven attacked me he told me to find you, he was crying and glitching as if he was fighting what ever it was that made him do it."

"Hmmm interesting..."

"Garnet told me that connie brought steven to see you a few mouths back and we belive there's something in his medical report that you did on him."

As she begins to thank will there was something that was interesting that I mite have over looked. As she grabs a folder.

As she heads me a picture scan of Stevens brain his skull is in bits and pieces.

"As you can see his skull has been throw a lot of damage I'll admit I don't thank thats the reason why he attacked you, but there mite be a clue in his brain if you can capture him we mite be able to figure this out."

As i smile, "We already have a plain."

As connie walks in.

"Hey mom." Connie says as we look at her upset.

"Connie... We need to talk." Her mother tells her.

"About what?" As she turns to me and Greg.

"Connie why did you cheat on steven?"

As she looks shocked.

"I...I was gonna tell him...i just...i didn't want to put him throw any more pain." like I'm only here for a week and it turnd out Jeff was going there to..."

"Will connie what you did has put all of us in grave danger!" I say almost yelling

"Steven snaped on me! He tried to kill me!" As I realize my anger is geting out of control i set back down as she looks shocked.

"But Steven would never do something like that..."

"Will he did... But we mite be able to do something about it." as I show her the picture of stevens brain if we can scan his brain maybe we can figure out what has happened to him.

"Will how can i help?" She ask confused.

"I thank i have a plain." I tell her smiling

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