The Scattered truth

Start from the beginning

As soon as Henry saw his daughter walk in with Emma by her side, he got up to greet them. "Hola mija." He greets pulling his youngest in for an embrace.

"Hola papa" Regina responds embracing her father.

"I hope we're not late." Regina says, pulling away from the embrace not catching the questioning gaze Henry gave Emma.

"No actually you two are just on time, me and mother just finished preparing lunch." Zelena answers coming out of the kitchen.

"Excellent" Regina says as Emma gravitates to her.

Everyone made their way into the dining room seeing the table with two platters of sandwiches and two bottles of wine one each side of the table, one white and the other Regina's favorite Red wine.

Both Cora and Henry sat on the opposite ends of the table. Emma and Regina sat by each other, while Jefferson and Ruby sat across from them along with Zelenas husband Robin.

"Ok.." Zelena sighed breaking the silence as she sat down on the other side of her sister grabbing a sandwich of her own.

It was awkward. It was a heavy tension surrounding the table as 99% of them knew what the upcoming topic was, but everyone was afraid of the outcome.

Regina didn't know what the hell was going on but it was bothering her no one has said a word since they've started eating, and Regina was starting to think that whatever reason her parents called them here was a bit more problematic than she thought.

"Ok, would someone explain to me why the hell everyone is mopping at a family lunch including my fiance?" Regina questioned her eyes scanning the table waiting for someone to fess up and when no one did Regina grabbed the bottle of wine filling her wine glass.

With one more glance around the table Regina took a long sip from her glass. Once finished she sat the glass gently back on the table.

"What did something happen with the media?" She questioned, when she got no answer she moved on to the next question since everyone was leaving her to guess.

"Our bank accounts are frozen?" -no answer, "A stalker?" -no answer, "Is someone dying?" Regina asked out of case scenarios and at this point she no longer has the patients.

As soon as the words left her lips Jefferson flinched, but Regina had already seen it before he could recover. "Someones dying?" Regina asked, trying to figure out if it was a close friend, mother or fathers.

"Dammit dad just fucking tell her, your gonna make her go nuts!." Jefferson exclaimed anger evident in his voice.

"Tell me what?" Regina asked, looking from Jefferson to her father.

Henry could feel her piercing gaze, the one he couldn't lie to.

"Princess, I-I-I'm dying." Henry states, if it was even possible it seemed as if the silence was quieter. And out of nowhere Regina burst into a fit of laughter to the point where her eyes were tearing up.

"Whew guys you had me for a second i almost believed you but jokes over." Regina says with a slight smile.

"It isn't a joke Regina, he really is dying." Jefferson says bluntly clearly angered by the whole thought, Regina's smile fades as realization crosses over her features.

"It's cancer, and the treatment they've been giving me hasn't been working. So all I can do is make the most from my life." Henry says softly looking at her.

"That's why you gave me the company?" Regina asked but it being more of a rhetorical question.

"Yes." was the only word that would pass through his lips.

Emma watched her fiance slowly break down and she felt guilty and it was eating away at her completely.

"How long has this been kept from me?" Regina asked, choking back a sob as tears threatened to spill over her cheeks. "Two years and 2 weeks," Emma said finally speaking into the loud silence.

"You knew this whole time, you knew and you didn't tell me!" Regina asked, her voice rising.

"That means everyone at this table knew, every single last one of you knew he was dying and didn't tell me!." She yelled, digging her nails into her palms.

"Don't be mad at them- I-I told them to keep it a secret, I told them not to tell you." Henry admitted.

Regina turned towards Emma on the verge of breaking down. "Trust- trust was all I asked of you and you broke the one thing that got us here today. Does this mean anything to you!!!" Regina yelled abruptly, rising and shoving her hand in front of Emma's face showing the beautiful ring. Tears running rivers down her cheeks.

"And you!" Regina yelled turning towards her family "The promise we kept since that incident and it no longer means nothing to no one." Regina says breathing heavily, she needed to leave, she couldn't breathe it felt like everything was coming crashing down. It hurt, like hell did it hurt

"I need to go." Regina says getting up going to the living room to grab her stuff, "Josh can you please take me home." Asked the house butler, and no one got up to stop her. The butler looked at Henry and Cora for approval and when they gave a nod he turned towards Regina.

"No problem, miss," Josh said, grabbing the keys to the limo.

"Regina, can you let us explain please." Emma said getting up.

"Yeah Emma when you get home you can give me a whole run down on how you lied to me to my fucking face!" Regina screamed tears streaming down her face. "Don't follow me Emma I-I just can't with you right now ok." Regina says walking l out the front door and getting into their limo. Emma watched until they were out of the gate and down the street.

"Well that went phenomenally," Jefferson said coming out of the kitchen with a glass of whiskey.

"C'mon Jeff now's not the time for your bullshit." Robin said.

"Well it's a good thing no one asked you sunny boy, we all know you're only with my sister for the damn money so how about you go on home and go do what you do best and sit on your ass." Jefferson says sitting back down next to Ruby downing his glass of whiskey.

"Jefferson there's no reason to pick a fight right now." Ruby said.

"We're leaving." Zelena says getting up and grabbing her things and leaving with Robin following right behind her without another word.

"Yeah I need to leave," Emma says, grabbing her keys. "Um I guess I'll see you tomorrow Jeff." Emma said before walking out the door without another word.

Emma got in her car, the only thing that on her mind was Regina.


Regina watched the blures in the window while trying not to break down. Regina was about to reach for her phone when the car came to a screeching stop causing Regina to fly forward and seconds later smashed into the car on Regina's side making her head collide with the window. Glass shattering at the impact, Regina losing consciousness.

John crawled out of the car his ears ringing his head and body aching from the impact, then he remembered Regina. He looked around but didn't see her, He got up as fast as he could though the sharp pains striking through his body and walking over to the back back seat doors. He tried to pull it open but it wouldn't budge he could hear the faint sounds of sirens somewhere. He looked around seeing people with their cameras and other people on their phones out. He saw a man hanging up on the phone and shouted towards him. "Excuse me sir I need your help, Can you please help me get her out?" John begged.

"Of course," The man said, rushing over to help take the door off and in the process more and more people jumped to help. You could hear the grunts of the people pulling and then with a strong yank the door came of the hinges making them all fall back against each other.

A man got into the car and grabbed Regina's limp body, setting it on the ground. There was blood running down the right side of her face and a shard of glass stuck just under her rib.The man put two fingers to Regina's pulse feeling the faint slow thump against his fingers he sighed in relief.

"She's alive!" The man yelled getting up as the ambulance pulled up alongside with the police force.

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