Fourteenth chapter

Start from the beginning

"Good as long as she eats isn't it?" I asked.

"She has eaten much less in recent weeks than usual. I'm afraid that if this goes like this something will happen with her." He said.

"Something?" I asked. He looked at Noel who already eat.

"Irreversible." He whispered. I could barely hear him, but when it reached my consciousness, I looked at him in shock. He put his index finger in front of his mouth, and he looked at Noel, who tasted his burger. I sat down to eat my burger too and I stood up after ten minutes.

"It reminds me now." Alex touched his forehead. "Jason called me about an hour ago and asked for your phone number. Is it okay to I give it to him?" I nodded with a smile on my face.

"Uuu. Who is this Jason?" Noel looked at me with a wide grin. "Your boyfriend?" I rolled my eyes.

"He is my friend." I said.

"Then why did you blush?" He tilted his head to the right side.

"It's not true!" I said indignantly, and I really blushed.

"You don't believe that either." He said.

"Bye!" I said offended and went into the room.

I found my phone which was on the table and looked at it. An unknown number called me three times. The last call was two minutes ago. Since there was no phone number there, I put it on the table but as soon as I did it, it started to rang and I picked it up.

"Hallo?" I asked.

"Hello Amanda." Jason greeted me in a cheerful voice.

"There is no way to shake you off?" I asked with a smile on my face and he interrupted the line. I looked at the cell phone in confusion and I was already starting to feel bad when it rang again.

"Hallo?" I asked again.

"My answer is no." He laughed.

"Sorry." I said contritely.

"No problem. But if you still want to stay my friend you can't say like that." He said.

"Ok." I said.

"Oh my god! What happened with you? You are so obedient. I like it but it scares me."

"If you could." I sighed and sat down on the couch."

"Tell it to the best person ever." He said.

"For Alex?" I asked.

"No!" He said in a whimpering voice. I smiled.

"Let's see!" I pretended to think, but he couldn't see that. "For James?" He growled. I laughed.

"You finally laugh." I smiled.

"Thanks to the best man." I thought he smile smugly. I bit my mouth so I wouldn't laugh.

"Thanks to Felipe." I laughed.

"Don't even mention him!" He sighed.

"Something happened with him?" I asked.

"No, I just want to forget what happened. You should tell me something. I can't hear in your voice that you would be too hilarious." He said.

"Can't we talk about something else?" I asked shyly.

"Don't divert the topic! Who was that?" He asked.

"Who?" I asked with a frown.

"Who made you like that. You can't fool me!" He said in a raised voice.

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