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Atalanta POV

I opened my eyes.

Ugh... where was I? I felt a sudden rush of panic: was I attacked? Captured? Calm down, I told myself.

I sat up. The first thing I noticed was that the air was blue. Why was it blue? Then I realized that I was underwater.

I looked around. I was in a room. The walls were painted a light torquoise, and had a faint blue-ish glow. I was lying in a bed with cool, blue sheets, and it was surprisingly comfortable.

I got up. I wasn't changed, and when I checked my boots, I found my Imperial Gold knifes. Good. At least I can defend myself.

I heard someone knock, and the white-coloured door opened. Immediately, I drew my knifes and threw one at whoever had opened the door.

"Oh-" The young lady dodged my throw. I darted forward and held my other knife at her neck. "where the hell am I?" I threatened.

The lady had the nerve to smile, "Milady. I am Adeline, and I have been sent to bring you to His Highness. His Highness is waiting at the throne room. Please, follow me." She gently pushed my hand away.

I stepped back, and took a good look at her. Then I realized, that instead of legs, she had a fish tail. A fish tail. This Adeline, was a mermaid?! I mean, I had never seen a mermaid before, and I'd always thought they were just myths. While some of the things in Greek Mythology were true, some were just, well, myths. I'd always assumed mermaids and mermen didn't exist, because that seemed quite bizarre, but I guess I was wrong.

I gaped at the tail, and Adeline smiled. "I got that too, from your brother, Percy Jackson." Percy?! Percy was here before?! I sighed, if Percy was here, this place couldn't be that bad, right? Plus, Adeline looked nice enough.

I grabbed my other knife, which had embedded itself in the wall, and followed Adeline to whoever His Highness was.

I stepped into the room. It was huge, with high ceilings and white marble walls. Everything was done in a shade of white and blue and sea-green. There were small groups of mermaids swimming around in beautiful clothes, and schools of colourful fish swam around.

At the end of the room, sitting atop a throne made of gray and green white streaked marble, was Poseidon, god of the sea. The arms of his throne were sea beasts and he sat on a black seal skin. It was decorated with coral, gold chips and pearls. I gotta say, it looked impressively beautiful.

Poseidon had his trident propped beside his throne, and he sat casually in his throne wearing the same Hawaiian shirt. My mind flashed back to Camp Half Blood. I had see Percy talking with Poseidon, and then Poseidon saw me, and I blacked out. How long was I out? I wondered.

"Atalanta!" Poseidon smiled when he saw me. I couldn't help feeling angry, and it was probably stupid, but my first question was, "Why did you leave me alone?"

Poseidon looked surprised. "Now—"

"And you're not even my father! My father is Neptune, not Poseidon!"



Poseidon sighed. "I-I think I should tell you the truth."

 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐍𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐮𝐧𝐞 || PJO FanficWhere stories live. Discover now