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Atalanta POV

There was a huge flash, and I appeared on the shore of the canoe lake in Camp Half-Blood. "What— DAD! Please stop doing that, it's making me dizzy!" I yelled at the water. I could've sworn I heard a soft laugh from the lake.

I frowned. Poseidon looked pretty worried when he sent me here, something must be happening at Camp. Then I heard a huge "boom", and a ball of flame went up a little further away. There was screaming. Startled, I sprinted to the middle of Camp Half-Blood.

There was an army of monsters, arai, cyclops... etc. I counted a few hydras, the minotaur, the three gorgons, and, well, many many more. My gaze was focused on Percy Jackson and his friends, Annabeth, Leo, Piper and Jason. Well, mostly on Percy, my... brother. I saw Percy in the midst of Chaos, fighting like a demon, whirling through the monsters that were scattered throughout the Camp, rolling under their feet, slashing, whacking the monsters with the flat of his blade, and yelling comments on the monsters' "ugly faces". Leo was a flaming figure, causing explosions and fires here and there. Jason flew overhead, aiming bolts of lightning at the monsters' ranks. Piper and Annabeth fought back to back, twirling through the monsters and fighting with their daggers.

The campers were fighting, but I could see that they were starting to tire, and that they would lose if this continued. I saw Leila and a small group of Roman demigods fighting, but... as much campers as Camp Half-Blood had, not all of them knew how to fight. The Aphrodite kids stood aside and watched, the Demeter kids could only helplessly wrap vines around their attackers, which wasn't really much use, the Apollo healers ran around healing injured campers.

I jumped up and landed on a particularly strong tree branch. My long hair, loose, flew behind me in a dark sheet. The small group of cyclops was targeting two, young demigods, who were helplessly waving their weapons in front of them but not fighting. Without thinking, I yelled at the monsters, "HEY, UGLY!!" They turned to me mid-attack. The two demigods fled.

I took out my knifes and threw them both at two of the cyclops as I jumped down from the tree. I landed right behind the group, willed my knifes to go back to my hands, and slashed at the cyclops from behind. Four of them crumbled into dust. I took advantage of the element of surprise, and killed the rest of them. My victory didn't last.

A horde of arai rushed towards me. Leila, Janice, and Zack ran after them, trying to distract them from me. I couldn't believe it, but... were they trying to protecting me? Janice slashed her sword at the arai. One died, but immediately Janice started screaming. She clawed at her throat as a long, thin, gash appeared there. An Apollo camper rushed forward and carried her away.

Leila and Zack's eyes widened at the sight of their friend. I didn't care that they were watching— I threw my knifes at the arai, and killed five of them. Instantly I felt a huge pain. A huge gash appeared on the side of my stomach, along with this huge surge of sadness. No one loves you, no one ever will. My mind whispered thoughts to me. A curse, I told myself over and over again, it's just a curse, fighting the voices in my head.

I gritted my teeth, and summoned a wave of water from the canoe lake nearby. It washed over my new gash, which stung but healed instantly. Leila and Zack stared at me like I was crazy. "What! GO FIGHT!!" I yelled at them.

I slipped towards the Camp entrance, where a huge group of monsters were coming in from. I raised a hand, creating an earthquake, and the ground shook. I'd inherited both my fathers power over water and earthquakes. I concentrated, and the earth opened up and swallowed all of the monsters.

I spent the rest of the fight defending the camp from the incoming monsters. Slashing, jabbing, throwing my blade, drowning the monsters, or creating earthquakes that shook the entire camp. I'd had a lot of practise on that, and I was careful to not harm the campers with my earthquakes.

It seemed like they would keep coming without end, but after what seemed like ages, I cleared all the monsters at entrance.

When I turned, I realized the whole camp had gone silent. I bent over and panted. My golden knifes were coated in monster dust. I had a huge gash on the side of my left arm, and wounds over me. My whole body felt tired, my adrenaline used up.

I turned around. The campers were behind me, standing in a huge crowd, all wearing battered armour, with a dumb-struck look on their faces.

I opted for a smile, "Hey!!" Then my feet gave away, and I fell sideways.

 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐍𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐮𝐧𝐞 || PJO FanficWhere stories live. Discover now