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Percy POV

"Okay, we're done here. Bye!" I yelled. I was, as best swordsman, responsible for teaching the Campers on fighting and duelling. Honestly, I was honoured, and I was happy to help, but sometimes it stressed me out. I would help out, teach classes, that sort of thing, and it left me tired and weary by the end of the day. I stretched.

And now, I had to go to the Big House to see the Camp Jupiter demigods that arrived yesterday. How fun, I thought. At least Annabeth would be there too. I capped Riptide, and jogged to The Big House.

Chiron was waiting inside, along with Leo, Calypso, Jason, Piper, Rachel, and... Annabeth. My wise girl. She was using a laptop, one of the few allowed at Camp. She had this thoughtful look on her face, and she looked absolutely amazing and cute. I joined them.

I noticed a row of demigods, about.. six? Seven? I recognized the Centurion of the Fourth Cohort, Leila. There were two others, probably her friends, that stood on either side of her. They were smirking at a girl who stood at the very side, close to the shadows. The girl had a hoodie on, which veiled her face, but she looked a lot like she wanted to melt into the shadows. She had her hands in her pockets, and, for some reason, her purple eyes, dull and kind of sad, kept darting to her boots.  Short, choppy blonde hair peeked out from her hoodie. She gave me that shy, quiet, kind of feeble look.

"Who's that?" I asked Annie, pointing at the girl. Annie shrugged, "No idea, probably new."

Chiron stepped forward, adressing all of us. "Campers from Camp Jupiter" he smiled at the row of teenagers, "please introduce yourselves."

Leila stepped forward, "I'm Leila, daughter of Ceres, centurion of the Fourth Cohort. These are my friends, Janice and Zack, children of Janus and Orcus. It is a pleasure to meet you, Percy Jackson." she gave me a dazzling smile. I could have sworn I saw the blonde girl roll her eyes at Leila.

When they were done introducing each of themselves, I realized the blonde girl hadn't introduced herself yet. "Who's that?" I asked Leila, pointing at the girl, who shied away with a wince.

"Oh," the demigods from Camp Jupiter sniggered and smirked at the girl as Leila continued, "a nobody you need not know about, and who isn't supposed to be here."

I frowned as possibilities formed in my mind. A demigod they found on their way here? Was she brought here by accident? The Campers clearly didn't like her, why, though? I recalled the way the Camp Jupiter demigods didn't like that I was a son of "Neptune".

I sighed. The girl wasn't my problem right now. Right now, what I needed was to go to the canoe lake for a swim. Well, my idea of a swim was to dive to the bottom and nap, or play around with the water and sometimes the fish. I was kind of tired, and the water always made me feel more refreshed and strong.

After Chiron made a few more announcement, we were dismissed. I gave Annie a small kiss, and ran to the lake.

 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐍𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐮𝐧𝐞 || PJO FanficNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ