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Atalanta POV

I opened my eyes to a dark room. Where was I?!! My mind flashed back to the time Poseidon "captured" me. This was twice in a day. Gah.

I racked my brain, trying to remember what had happened before I blacked out. Right, I was battling the monsters, and then I had blacked out from my wounds. I got up, wincing at the sudden movement, and realized three people was watching me. I Half expected them to have half-burnt faces, funky clothes, things like that. I must have been over-thinking, because I want many even captured or anything. From the shadows stepped out Percy, Leila, and Zack.

"You okay?" Leila asked. All three of them kept away from me, like they didn't want to come near. I remembered how I had slayed an entire army.

"You're in the infirmary. Atalanta... you've been out for four days. Also, please tell him that your name is really Atalanta and your father sin't Poseidon, because he seems determined to believe you're his twin or something."

I looked to Percy. He was staring at me. "You do know staring is rude?" I teased. He blinked as if getting out of a trance, "s-sorry"

Right at that moment, Annabeth, Piper, Jason, Leo plus a few campers I didn't recognize rushed in. Behind them was Will and his boyfriend, Nico. "Hey! I said NO VISITING! GET OUT! GET OUT! THE PATIENT IS RESTING!" He stepped in front of me and waved at them to shoo them away, but the campers had already saw me. I smiled. The campers froze.

"She looks like Percy!"





There was a lot of confusion, and shouting, and pestering Percy with questions while I lay on my bed. Leila looked especially worried for me. Huh, finally, she cares, I thought.

"OKAY PEOPLE." I stood on the bed, wanting everyone's attention, which was really unusual, "I'm Atalanta Jackson, just the morning before the battle my hair was blonde and my eyes were purple because some... person choked some... potion thingy down my throat, so you might not recognise me. I only knew my full name like, how long was I out again?" I whisper-asked Leila. She raised four fingers.

"I only knew my full name... four? Five days ago. I thought my father was Neptune. Turns out there was... a problem and I got mixed up in a Roman camp when I was a Greek demigod so yeah my father is actually Poseidon. Also, Percy is my twin and apparently," I smiled at Percy.

"I'm older than you."

All the demigods were silent. Then Annabeth asked, "how do you know?!"

I ran a head through my messy head and looked away, "I might have overheard Percy Iris-messaging Poseidon, and Poseidon saw me and brought me to his palace and stuff."

"That's why he left in such a hurry! But if you're my twin, why--"

"Wellll, I was taken care of by Athena, and then Athena accidentally sent me to Camp Jupiter because she was in her Roman form when she did so. About why Athena took care of me instead... ask Poseidon. I'm sure he'll be happy to explain."

Then I jumped off the bed, "please go out now."

As soon as everybody left, I changed back into my original clothes. "where're my knifes," I asked Leila. She took out my knifes, polished and shining, "where did you learn to fight?"

I tilted my head, "I watched you guys train, and practised at night. Now, knifes, please."

Leila handed me the knifes, "I-I'm sorry." I didn't reply.

"We're going back tomorrow, are you... um, coming?" Zack piped up. I shook my head and sighed, "I'll visit, don't worry. Take care of Janice, I guess. Bye." Then I walked out the door.

 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐍𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐮𝐧𝐞 || PJO FanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz