15. Search for links

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"You are the one irritating me with your behavior? What's this ring for?" He again started to come forward and I backed.

"That's my finger,my ring,my choice. That doesn't matter to you so stop showing me your attitude." I semi yelled at him.

"Take that ring out of your finger." He said.

"No,I won't. Shut up and go away. That's my matter and I am not your slave to take your orders. Save your disgusting attitude for someone else." I said and rushed to the main road.

I can't believe he has the nerve to order me.


I got up as my phone rang. I was sleeping in the evening as I was too tired from the days hassle. But the ringtone disturbed my good sleep.

"Hm...hello." I said in a sleepy voice.

"Were you sleeping?" Came Alyans voice.

"N...no." I said while sitting on the bed,rubbing my eyes.

"Yeah,and that's why your voice is like this." He mocked me.

"Ok fine,I was sleeping."

"At this time?"

"I was tired. The whole day was hectic. College and studying is making me sick." I huffed.

"Uhuh,that's what happens in this situation. Just wait for admission, than you'll take rest."

"That means your life is so relaxing,right?"

"No,it's not like that. Both are stressful in their own ways."

"Hmm. Maybe you're right. I'm just waiting to pass this stressful part,then I'll take the rest of my life."

"That's a solid plan." He laughed.

"So what are your plans after MBBS?"

"Frankly speaking,I don't know. I'm not sure about this right now."

"Take your time. There's no rush." I chuckled.

Just than,Amaya entered in the room. She looked at me for a second and jumped on the bed. She snatched the phone from my ear and started to talk with him.

"Assalamualaikum bhai." She was smirking at me evilly.

As I was glaring at her,she went to the balcony talking about this and that,mainly about Power Rangers new episodes which both of them are obsessed about. I also got up and went to the washroom.

As I came outside and went towards the balcony to take back my phone, I heard Amaya laughing.

"Yeah yeah,I saw your all lovey dovey writing on that card." She said.

What is she talking about?

"Don't act innocent bhai. Appi herself said you gave her this."

Oh no!!! She is teasing Alyan about that card.

I quickly rushed on the balcony and snatched the phone out of her hand.

"Amaya,go inside." I said.

"But appi..." She started to talk but I stopped her.

"Amaya I said you to go inside. That's loud and clear." I yelled at her and she rushed out.

I looked at the phone,he was still on line.

"He...hello." I said.

"Warisha,what was Amaya saying right now?"

Here goes nothing!!!

Climbing The SkyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora